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Renovation of an elderly care / assisted living facility in Union Grove, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a elderly care / assisted living facility.

In general the work consists of renovating 22 public restrooms in Boland, Gates and Mauer Halls at the Wisconsin Veterans Home in Union Grove. Handrails and wall protection will be added to the ramped connecting corridor between Mauer and Gates Hall. Renovations will include new finishes, standardized toilet accessories, and replacement of aging fixtures and stall partitions in some of the restrooms. The renovated spaces will meet current building code and ADA requirements. Specific lavatories, water closets and urinals will be removed and replaced to comply with both state and federal guidelines. In an effort to improve water quality, water filters will be added to all drinking fountains (11 total) and ice machines throughout the facility, and three drinking fountains will have bottle fillers added. Per DFDM standards, water closets shall have manual flush valves replaced with in-kind models, lavatories shall have manual faucets installed, and urinals shall have sensor flush valves installed. The project is also replacing fluorescent lights with new LED fixtures and new controls. Nurse call stations will be added to restrooms that currently do not have call stations. Bid Guarantee in the amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany each bid submitted. Estimate Construction Cost $650,000


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - State/Provincial


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21425 Spring St, Union Grove, WI

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