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Published November 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Laurel, Maryland. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for the demolition of a municipal facility.

https://www.bizjournals.com/washington/news/2022/11/11/secret-service-prince-georges-laurel-rowley.html The U.S. Secret Service is planning a major overhaul of its huge training campus in Laurel, to the tune of more than 800,000 square feet of new and renovated facilities. Named after a Cold War-era service chief, the James J. Rowley Training Center is, among other things, where recruits attend Secret Service bootcamp. Located at 9200 Powder Mill Road, it currently comprises about 352,000 square feet of training facilities. But mission requirements call for nearly 919,000 square feet, according to a draft master plan update that the National Capital Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to consider at its Dec. 1 meeting. Reaching the master plan's goal would entail adding nearly 755,000 square feet of new facilities, renovating about 53,000 square feet and continuing to use about 111,000 square feet of what already exists. Though much the publicly available version has been redacted, the draft master plan available on the commission's website outlines 16 projects involving demolition and construction or renovation between fiscal years 2024 and 2027, plus another two projects categorized under the heading "capacity." "Prince George's County has long called for greater federal investments in the county, and we are very pleased to hear about the expansion plans for the Secret Service training center," said David Iannucci, who heads the Prince George's County Economic Development Corp. Increased activity as the site "will spill over to increased patronage in our local hotels, restaurants and stores," he added. Prince George's Executive Angela Alsobrooks, in her 2021 Economic Development Platform, has called for "rebalancing the portfolio of federal jobs throughout the region" -- meaning stiffer competition for those jobs with the District and Northern Virginia -- as a means of further attracting businesses and residents. In particular, Prince George's wants very much to land the new FBI headquarters, which some have speculated could do for the county something like what the Pentagon does for Northern Virginia, in terms of acting as a magnet for companies and development. Two of the FBI sites currently under consideration are in Prince George's, but a third in Fairfax County has the attractive quality of being much closer to existing FBI assets in Quantico. The Secret Service site in Laurel has housed the agency's training academy since the 1970s, and many of its buildings date to that period. Its master plan was last updated in 2017. The present master planning process, which began in 2021 and will wrap up in the new year, anticipates the service's requirement for agents peaking in 2026, then dropping somewhat and leveling off, though still exceeding current manning. Projects in the current update include, among other things, new firearms ranges, classrooms, mock-up training venues, a physical training facility and warehouse, as well as an enlarged driving training pad and upgraded main gate. Demolishing existing outdoor firing ranges and building about 281,000 square feet of news ones in fiscal year 2026 represents the single largest slated project by far. A new physical training facility in fiscal 2024 would weigh in at about 83,000 square feet. A "Defense Tactical Facility," housing "specialized scenario training," in fiscal 2025 would comprise about 64,000 square feet. The draft master plan does not include cost estimates but says estimates will be included in the plan's final submittal. The Secret Service protects the U.S. president and other government leaders, both domestic and those visiting from other nations. It protects certain candidates for elections, appointees, facilities and event venues. The service also investigates financial crimes, including counterfeiting and cybercrimes like credit card fraud, wire and bank fraud, computer network breaches and ransomware, according to its website. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this solicitation is to seek a contractor for the design and construction of a Tactical Tower. U.S. Secret Service (USSS) is issuing this solicitation for its Tactical Tower Replacement Project at the James J. Rowley Training Center (JJRTC). This procurement will be solicit as a firm-fixed price full and open competition. The Contractor shall begin performance within 15 calendar days and complete it within 270 calendar days after receiving award.




Public - Federal

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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9200 Powder Mill Rd, Laurel, MD

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