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Published June 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

New construction of an educational facility in Belleville, Ontario. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a 123,550-square-foot, four-story above grade educational facility.

The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board (ALCDSB) has plans for two major school construction projects; seeking prequalified General Contractors: PROJECT 1 - New Kingston West Catholic Elementary School - The new school will be built on a new vacant site located in the west end of Kingston on Holden Street; - The new school will be designed to accommodate 481 students from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8; - The two-storey structure will be approximately 5,700 sq.m. gross floor area; - The new facility will consist of 20 classrooms, 4 child care spaces and 3 EarlyOn child and family spaces, plus all ancillary spaces; and PROJECT 2 - St Joseph Catholic Elementary School Addition / Renovations in Belleville - The school will be rebuilt at the site of the existing St. Joseph Catholic School at 405 Bridge Street East, Belleville, Ontario; - St. Joseph Catholic School, an elementary with approximately 368 students, will temporarily be relocated to another site for the duration of the construction project; - A portion of the existing St. Joseph Catholic School will be demolished and a 334 pupil place addition constructed as part of this project; - The new school will be designed to accommodate 481 students from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8; - The two-storey structure will be approximately 5,740 sq m gross floor area; - The new facility will consist of 20 classrooms, 3 child care spaces and 2 EarlyOn child and family spaces, plus all ancillary spaces; and Both projects include landscaping and civil works, as well as new connections to municipal services. TIMELINE: The New Kingston West Catholic Elementary School was awarded to Frecon Construction. The St Joseph Catholic Elementary School Addition / Renovations in Belleville was awarded to Emmons & Mitchell Construction. Both projects are awarded on their respective separate projects. Coverage of this report has been discontinued.

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