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Site work for a sidewalk / parking lot in Louisville, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot.

If auxiliary aids or reasonable accommodations are needed for attendance at the bid opening, please call (402) 471-5571, or for persons with hearing impairments please call the Nebraska Relay System, (800) 833-7352 TDD or (800) 833- 0920 VOICE. Advance notice of seven days is needed when requesting an interpreteIn accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 72-803 (4), bidder's proposal shall be submitted on a form supplied with the Bidding Documents and must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the total Bid, made payable to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission as Bid security. Bid security shall be considered as liquidated damages and forfeited to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission if the Bidder's proposal is accepted and the Bidder fails to execute the contract and provide the required bond(s) and insurance specified. No Bid Bond will be required if the total project cost is less than $50,000.00. In accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 52-118, a contractor is required to furnish a Labor and Material Payment Bond in the full amount of the contract price if at the time of the contract award the total project cost exceeds $15,000. In accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 72-803 (3), the successful Bidder is required to furnish a Performance Bond in the full amount of the contract sum at the time of contract award if the total project cost exceeds $50,000. No Performance Bond will be required if the Independent Contractor is willing to take a single lump-sum payment once all work has been completed and accepted by the Engineering Division of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission unless the total project cost exceeds $100,000 at the time of contract award. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission reserve the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all informalities or irregularities. Work covered under this section shall consist of the fine grading of the site to conform to the grades, lines and contours shown on the Drawings. The Work shall include all excavation, overexcavation, shaping and sloping of all cut areas; all placing, compacting, shaping and finishing of all embankments in fill areas necessary for the completion of all site and roadway regrading; including subgrades, shoulder slopes, intersections, approaches, and entrances. Trench excavation and backfill for utility trenches is also included.

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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14421 346th St, Louisville, NE

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