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Published December 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Boise, Idaho. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of December 27, 2019, project was awarded to Petra, Inc. for $1,182,766.96. Disadvantaged business enterprises are encouraged to submit bids. Employee Parking Garage Utility Relocation project is to relocate existing utilities in preparation for a future employee parking garage. The new major items include removing relocating sewer, storm drainage, water, gas, power, and communication utilities. The city references ISPWC standards and specifications for work being complete. This project is a calendar day contract. The construction consists of one schedule of work and shall be completed within 90 calendar days. There is no federal funding involved in this project.The City of Boise reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in the proposals received and to accept the proposal(s) that are in the best interest of the City. Boise City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The City of Boise is exempt from Federal and State taxes and will execute the required exemption certificates. Such damages are, and will continue to be, impracticable and extremely difficult to determine. For each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time specified for completion of the work the Contractor will pay to the Owner, or have withheld from monies due, the sum of $1,500, unless otherwise provided under “Special Provisions” if present. Employee Parking Garage Utility Relocation Site Work consists of the relocation of utilities in preparation for a future parking garage. The utilities to be relocated include water, sewer, storm drainage, gas, power and telecommunication. Other major items include a temporary traffic control. It is the Owner’s desire and intent to award all bid items for which adequate funding is available to the “Successful Bidder.” The Contractor is forewarned that Budget Limitations may prevent the award of the project or require the deletion of portions of the work scope. The “Successful Bidder” for the purpose of subsequent negotiations, if necessary, will be the responsive Bidder who submits the low bid for the work to be awarded. It is the intent of the Owner to issue a Notice of Award within 20 days after opening bids. The Contractor should expect to receive a Notice to Proceed to begin construction January 2020.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

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3415 W Wright St, Boise, ID

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