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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a transportation facility in Spokane, Washington. Completed plans call for the addition of a transportation facility; for the demolition of a transportation facility; for the renovation of a transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.

https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2021/apr/25/the-dirt-spokane-international-airport-planning-re/ The Spokane International Airport is planning extensive remodels to its ground transportation center and rental car return area. Spokane-based DCI Engineers has filed a preliminary application with the city on behalf of the Spokane Airport Board last week to build a 9,000-square-foot vehicle canopy for pedestrian pickup on the east side of the airport's ground transportation center. Work also calls for remodeling an existing rental car ticketing area inside of the ground transportation center and converting an existing pedestrian canopy on the east side of the building into a 1,120-square-foot enclosed entryway, according to the application. Other site improvements include upgrades to lighting, drainage, signage and pavement. The project is slated to break ground in September and estimated to cost $3.5 million, according to the application. The rental car facility improvements are funded by a customer facility charge, which is a fee paid by rental car customers. Spokane-based Wolfe Architectural Group is designing the project __________________________________________________________________ The Spokane Airport Board is requesting proposals for General Contractor/Construction Manager Services for the SIA Terminal Renovation and Expansion Project using the procedure permitted under Chapter 39.10 of the RCW, as amended, for public works contracting in lieu of sealed bids For further information, contact Lisa Corcoran, Manager, Planning & Engineering Depart-ment, at lcorcoran@spokaneairports.net. The Spokane Airport Board reserves the right to reject any and all submittals, to waive any irregularities in the submittals received, and to accept the submittal deemed most advantageous to the Board. All submittals become property of the Spokane Airport Board. The Spokane Airport Board is an equal opportunity employer. Project Scope: The TREX Project will improve and provide more efficient airport passenger circulation and airline operations to meet current and near-term passenger and operational needs. The TREX project consists of Concourse C west gate expansion with three passenger boarding bridges, expansion/modernization of Concourse C east to connect four existing ground boarding gates, expansion of Concourse C ticketing and expansion of baggage makeup. The project includes construction of approximately 126,000SF. The project is currently broken into five (5) primary elements of work: 1. Concourse C west gate expansion for bridge gate boarding 2. Baggage makeup to support expansion. 3. Demolition of existing Concourse C east ground boarding area and expansion of new Concourse C east gate expansion with ground board apron access ramp. 4. Expansion of Concourse C ticketing. 5. Modernization of existing upper Concourse C. 2.2 Project Budget: The project is to be funded by multiple bond issuances backed by a combination of local PFC's, and general airport revenues. The total project budget is estimated at approximately $96,000,000. The project Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) for use in this proposal is $66,300,000. Additional project descriptions will be provided during the mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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9000 W Airport Dr, Spokane, WA

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