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Published May 7, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a civil project in Lake Country, British Columbia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and for paving for a road / highway.

Comprehensive corridor improvement works in Lake Country, BC along Bottom Wood Lake Rd (Main St to McCarthy Rd) and Konschuh Rd. The scope of work for this project has 4 primary components and can be generally summarised as follows: 1. Utility, Road, and Intersection Improvements: Full-length Watermain replacement, including fused HDPE beneath Middle Vernon Creek; Full-length Storm Sewer main construction, including installation of dry-wells; Full-depth road reconstruction; Construction of a new Roundabout. 2. Streetlighting and Underground Electrical: Installation and Commissioning of new Street Lights, including bases, conduit, poles, wire, etc.; Installation of ducting, vaults, junction boxes, etc. for undergrounding of BC Hydro, Telus, and Shaw overhead; Coordination with BC Hydro, Telus, Shaw, and Fortis BC during pole removal and commissioning of underground systems by others. 3. Culvert Replacement: Isolation and bypass of Middle Vernon Creek, including coordination with Environmental Monitor; Construction of CIP concrete footings and headwalls, including footing excavation and site dewatering; Construction of a new multi-plate arch culvert, including supply and coordination with manufacturer representative; Removal of existing corrugated steel culvert; Backfill and channel construction; 4. Landscape Restoration and Improvements: Creek bed and channel restoration; Habitat restoration replanting; Additional aesthetic landscaping works; Minor Irrigation system relocation and improvements. TIMELINE: Construction is underway.

Under Construction

Roads / Highways


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Bottom Wood Lake Rd, Lake Country, BC

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