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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a civil project in Marana, Arizona. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The work is located in Pima County and Town of Marana, AZ and the scope of the NWRRDS project is to provide all labor, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to construct: NWRRDS Transmission Main and Forebay Facility, M-19-003, to include approximately 38,000 LF of new 24-inch transmission main; approximately 750 LF jack and bore using 42" sleeve; 1-million gallon above-ground welded steel storage tank; tablet chlorination system; new building to house operations room and tablet chlorination system; yard piping with associated fittings and appurtenances; electrical, instrumentation, control, and security elements; and associated infrastructure and improvements. NWRRDS Recovery Well Equipping and Collector Pipelines, M-19-006 to include equipping 2 groundwater recovery wells; 2 hydro pneumatic tanks; 2 tablet chlorinator systems; yard piping with associated fittings and appurtenances; approximately 8,500 LF of 20-inch ductile iron transmission main; approximately 1,500 LF of 24-inch transmission main; and associated infrastructure and improvements. NWRRDS Transmission Main and Forebay Facility, M-19-003 - $ 22,614,683 NWRRDS Well Equipping and Collector Piping, M-19-006 - $ 8,678,094 The Work consists of construction of Northwest Recharge, Recovery, and Delivery System (NWRRDS) recovery wells, hydropneumatic tanks, chlorinators, collection pipes and associated infrastructure, consisting of the following: 1. Approximately 8,500 linear feet of 20-inch transmission main. 2. Approximately 1,500 linear feet of 24-inch transmission main. 3. Two hydropneumatic tanks with air compressors and control systems. 4. Two tablet chlorination systems with fiberglass enclosures. 5. Tie into existing BKW Farms facilities for pump to waste. 6. Yard piping with associated fittings and appurtenances. 7. Electrical, instrumentation, and control, and security elements. 8. Necessary civil and site work for complete and usable facility. 9. In addition to the above description, the Work includes repair and reconstruction of existing improvements affected by the Work, and incidentals for complete and usable facility The Work is located at: 1. The three recovery well sites are located near the Marana Airport, and all feed into a single collection pipe. 2. The collection pipes begin at three well sites near the Marana Airport and run to a transmission main to be constructed as part of a separate project. Bid Results :: BID SCHEDULE A :: Granite Construction Company :: $ 31,290,532.66 BID SCHEDULE B :: Granite Construction Company :: $ 11,447,052.00

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Water / Sewer


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Multiple Locations, Marana, AZ

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