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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and laboratory facility. 02/24/20 Clark Hall to undergo lengthy renovations The Board of Regents approved $475,000 for the Riebsomer wing lab's waste system replacement in Clark Hall. The Riebsomer wing project is phase two of renovations to Clark Hall, which has an estimated project budget of $16 million and is set to begin June 1, 2020. The second phase of renovations in Clark Hall will shut down the building for approximately 12 months. However, the Riebsomer wing will remain open. Bobby Ortiz, the facility operations manager for chemistry and mathematics, said although fixing the pipes in Riebsomer is an urgent project, the wing will remain open during its renovation because research cannot be stopped from being conducted at the University. "The emergency part of the Riebsomer pipe exchange is that it's catastrophic failure that we need to fix quickly," Ortiz said. The Reibsomer wing of Clark Hall received a new lab drainage piping system in 2016. Within a year, the PVC pipes began to fail. It was recently discovered that the pipe failures have progressed across the whole drainage system. The project is funded by $350,000 from facilities management reserves and $125,000 from minor capital reserves. The phase two renovations in Clark Hall are budgeted at an estimated $16 million to complete, and the funds will come from the 2018 general obligation bond. Although that project will take up to a year to complete, students like Diana Martinez and Glorianne Dorce are happy to see work being done on the building. The two teacher's assistants said in the building's current state, there is no room to do work. As many as 50 TAs are crammed into one room to host office hours for their students. "Like there's no tables here," Dorce said. "I have a few of my students who sit on the hallway floor -- which is a safety hazard -- because they don't have access to this room ... It's technically a TA and graduate room, and they don't have a place to do work." Despite their frustrations with the building, the two TAs are happy to see the construction come to Clark Hall. "It's very much needed," Martinez said. "This is one of the oldest buildings on campus, and we're right across from a new building." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The contractor shall replace the existing CPVC ChemDrain waste and vent piping within the entire Riebsomer wing from the p-trap of the exiting Orion blue pipe serving the lab sinks and fume hoods to the existing sanitary line exiting the building in the basement. Contractor shall use fire retardant polypropylene pipe manufactured for chemical waste and vent use. Acceptable manufacturers are Orion by Watts, Fuseal by Georg Fischer, and Enfield by Ipex. The pipe joining method shall be by electrofusion or socket fusion. The water in the piping has been tested and contains heavy metals. It must be collected and disposed of properly. The existing piping can be demolished as general waste. The building is occupied and phasing will be critical to minimize downtime. The new piping shall be routed and installed in parallel to the existing so that final connections can be made to minimize shutdown of occupied labs. It will be the contractor's responsibility to provide protection, shielding, etc to ensure that the existing lab equipment and casework is not damaged. Please note that there is a non-ferrous metals area that contains a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine. This area will require special precautions, tools and shielding when working in this area. The contractor shall demonstrate having worked in non-ferrous metal areas such as MRI, CT Scan, and NMR rooms. Other lab equipment such as laser tables will require special care in working around and over the top of. The contractor will be required to disassemble and reassemble casework as necessary to replace piping. The contractor will be required to make new penetrations and patch and paint existing penetrations to match existing adjacent surfaces and finishes. See attached plans and specification. Payment & performance bonds are required for projects over $25,000 NM state wage rates are required for projects over $60,000. All questions will be addressed at the conference. A public log will be kept of the names of potential proposers that attended the pre-proposal conference. A guided site visit will be provided after the conference. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is Not Mandatory but is highly recommended Question Submission Close Date 1/8/2020 5:00 PM MST




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300 Terrace St NE, Albuquerque, NM

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