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Site work for a water / sewer project in Soap Lake, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
This Contract provides for the replacement of water and sewer infrastructure throughout the City in accordance with the Contract Documents. Work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Installation of approximately 13,900 lineal feet, of new 6-inch to 12-inch diameter sewer pipelines throughout the City, including replacement; of existing manholes and reconnection of existing side sewers. Existing sewers will be replaced by open-cut, pipe bursting, or cured-in-place pipe methods B. Installation of approximately 5,200 lineal feet of new 8-inch diameter water main, including valves, fittings, hydrants, thrust blocks, services, service piping and all other appurtenances required to complete the work. C. Install an AMR water metering system, including furnishing and installing water meters, registers, and meter transmitter units at the locations shown in the Plans, providing documentation and pictures of each water meter installation, replacing water meter boxes and setters at the locations shown in the Plans, furnishing and installing hardware and software for the supplied AMR system, along with, startup, testing, and operator training. D. Replacement of the source meters for the City's wells with magnetic flow meters, including pipe, fittings, and all other appur tenances required to complete the work. E. Replacement of approximately 28 fire hydrants, including valves, fittings, thrust blocks, and all other appurtenances required to complete the work. F. Restoration of all surfaces disturbed by construction activities, including bid not limited to, concrete curbs, gutters, driveways, sidewalks, gravel, landscaping, fencing, and HMA pavements. G. Provide testing, commissioning, and training as specified herein. H. All associated work as shown in the Contract Documents, for complete and workable system. The Work shall he substantially complete within 155 working days after the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. All bidding and construction is to be performed in compliance with the Contract Documents for this project a nd any addenda issued thereto that are on file at the office of the City of Soap Lake, City Hall, 239 Second Avenue SE, Soap Lake, Washington 98851. The Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud shortly after the time and date stated above. Bids are to be submitted only on the form provided with the Bidding Documents. All Bids must be accompanied by a certified check, money order, or bid bond payable to the "City of Soap Lake" and in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid. Section 746 of Title VII of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 20.17 (Division A. - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related. Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) and subsequent statutes mandating domestic preference applies an American Iron and Steel, requirement to this project. All listed iron and steel products used in this project must be produced in the LTnited States. The term "iron and steel products" means the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, and construction materials. The deminimis and minor components waiver apply to this contract. Financing for the Project has been provided by the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development and the City of Soap Lake. The City of Soap Lake expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive minor irregularities or informalities and to award the Work to the responsible Bidder submitting the lowest responsive, responsible Bid for whichever schedules as best serves the interests of the Owner. Only one alternate for Schedule C will be awarded. The Owner will determine at the time of award which schedules and alternate will be awarded.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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