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Published March 16, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

As of February 13 the project is set to be awarded on March 3 2020. The structure is a 300,000-gallon spheroid with a high-water level of 166 ft. located on Jacob Ct. in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The work includes: Exterior: High pressure water clean (5,000 to 10,000 psi), spot power tool clean to a SSPCSP11 standard and apply a three (3) coat epoxy urethane system. Replace caulking on the anchor bolts. Wet Interior: Abrasive blast clean to a SSPCSP10 near-white metal standard and apply a three (3) coat zinc epoxy system. The cathodic protection system shall be removed and reinstalled by the owners vendor, coordination and payment is the contractors responsibility. Dry Interior: Abrasive blast clean the entire tops of the platforms (including 1 ft. up the riser wall), the bowl, the bottom 1/2 of the access tube, and spot failures throughout to a commercial standard. Scarify the entire basebell and basebell piping. Apply a three (3) coat epoxy system to the access tube and bowl and a spot two (2) coat epoxy system to the rest of the prepared surfaces. Overcoat the entire basebell including all appurtenances in the basebell. Work includes overcoating the piping in the basebell and repainting the entire fill/draw pipe. The fill/draw pipe insulation is to be removed, the pipe prepared and coated, and the insulation reinstalled. Cinder Block Room: Overcoat the interior and exterior of the cinder block room inside the basebell using a two (2) coat acrylic system. Foundation: Water clean and apply a two (2) coat epoxy system. Bidders Prequalification Statement, whether a prime contractor or a sub-contractor, must be filed with the Waukesha Water Utility at least five (5) calendar days before the Bid opening date. If the contractors current prequalification on record with the City of Waukesha or the Waukesha Water Utility does not pertain to the specific type of work in this specification, a new Prequalification must be filed. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a Bid Deposit in the form of a Bid Bond or certified check payable to the Owner in the amount of 5% of the Bid. Bids may be withdrawn only pursuant to relevant provisions of Wisconsin law. Otherwise all Bids must be offered for a period extending sixty (60) days beyond the Bid opening. Prevailing wage rates for all trades & occupations involved in the work shall be in accordance with Sec. 66.0903, Wisconsin Statutes. The letting of the work described herein is subject to the provisions of Sec. 62.15, 66.0901, 779.14, 779.15, Wisconsin Statutes, & all other relevant provisions of federal, state & local law. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


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February 11, 2020

May 4, 2020


2520 Meadowbrook Rd, Waukesha, WI

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