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Published July 12, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Ernie Pyle middle school classroom buildings reroof and mechanical replacement involves the complete reroofing of the flat roof sections of the classroom buildings as shown (in documents). The project includes the complete mechanical system replacements at these same buildings. The Maximum Allowable Construction Costs (MACCs) APS is currently estimating is $743,200 for reroofing and $1,400,000 for HVAC The roofing work will be done in accordance with the standard APS roofing standard of sloped polyisocyanurate insulation, three mopped plies of asphaltic roofmembrane, and a granulated cap sheet for approximately 20,396 SF ofreroofing, plus repair of 5,098 SF of Roof Q, which is expected to be demolished in the near future.. Some ofthe areas being reroofed are surrounded by walls from sloped roofs. These depressed areas were intentionally designed to hide the mechanical equipment from street view, but they also create "pools" or catchment areas for precipitation so careful detailing and roof drainage and drainage overflow systems will be required. These areas are crowded with mechanical equipment/ductwork and there is limited or difficult access to mechanical equipment due to closeness to the walls and other obstructions. The new RTUs are expected to be smaller than the existing units helping ease these access problems. Due to the differing size ofthe new units and different duct orientations on the new RTUs, the project will require custom-made HVAC curbs.




Public - City

LEED Certification, Renovation





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1820 Valdora Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM

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