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Published March 18, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Portland, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; and one-story above grade municipal facility.

Exterior: The intent of this project is to repair and restore the masonry-building exterior, in order to alleviate ongoing water damage within in the building interior and enhance the building performance limited historical lime plaster interior restoration. Primary work items will include masonry repointing, installation of leaded "T" and "L" joints, restoration and cleaning, and removal of rust stains on the granite. The Contractor shall provide all management, supervision, labor, materials, tools and equipment to repair and restore the masonry-building exterior on the Pearl St. side at the U.S. Customhouse in Portland, Me. The following work is required for this restoration project. Repointing/restoration failing granite mortar joints on the roof top, balustrade, and include the facade above the second floor windows up to the roof. On the rooftop, repointing to include the balustrades, parapet, coping and existing water table. Masonry cleaning: There is substantial biological growth within the mortar joints and on granite surfaces. Apply an appropriate cleaner to remove and kill the biological growth from the masonry. Include removing any rust stains on the facade. Lead Joints: Repair and or replace the failing lead joint covers. The covers include the tee, left & right angles and edge covers. Interior: The Contractor shall provide all management, supervision, labor, materials, tools and equipment to repair and restore the interior plaster surfaces on the second floor, Custom House St. side, of the grand ballroom at the U.S. Customhouse in Portland, Me. The following work is required for this restoration project and includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the interior restoration of plaster and painting as specified herein, including, but not limited to the following: Examine, sound and probe damaged plaster to determine the extent of work at and mark out plaster surfaces with designation for work required to achieve sound plaster surfaces at each location. Removal of loose flat plaster to sound substrate and sound adjacent plaster, preparation of substrate and edges of adjacent sound plaster, and provision of new finish coat plaster to match profile and texture of adjacent sound plaster. Removal of lifting and flaking paint without damaging plaster substrate and filling areas from which paint was removed flush with surfaces of adjacent sound paint to match surface texture of adjacent painted surfaces. Removal of chipped and loose material along stable cracks in plaster, sanding to remove sharp edges, and filling cracks to match profile and texture of adjacent sound plaster. Re-adhering detached historic plaster & delaminated layer or layers of plaster to sound base coat plaster. Patch ornamental, and molded plaster surfaces where required for sound plasterwork. Create molds for and provide new cast plaster elements to match existing original moldings The solicitation package will be posted on or about February, 21, 2020. The Estimated Cost is between $100,000 and $200,000. This award is 100% reserved for small business.




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March 18, 2020

April 17, 2020


312 Fore St, Portland, ME

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