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Published April 29, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Morgantown, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 8,000-square-foot educational facility.

**As of April 29, 2021, the project has been awarded but award amount was not confirmed.** West Virginia University on behalf of its Board of Governors invites qualified Contractors to submit a bid to provide all labor, materials equipment, and services to Renovate the Milan Puskar Stadium, Press Box - West Suites. Renovate existing high-level suites and commons areas, includes but not limited to: demolition/disposal of existing finishes and new construction work of various disciplines. Renovate existing high-level suites and commons areas, includes but not limited to; demolition/disposal of existing finishes, casework, etc., new work includes; interior partitions, doors/frames, custom casework, ceiling tiles, paint, flooring, carpentry, lighting, electrical distribution, AV/tele/data, life safety systems, and other as necessary for the completion of the work. The space is located on the lowest floor of the press box (approximately 40'-50' above grade). Access to the space is two existing elevators and two stairs. The design includes upgrading finishes, casework, and general aesthetic updates to the suites and common areas. The gross area affected is approximately 8,000 GSF. Cutoff for Questions: February 11, 2020 12:00 pm EST. Contractor shall achieve Substantial and Final Completion of the entire Work as calculated or indicated above. The date of issuance of the West Virginia University's Notice to Proceed or Executed Agreement shall be used to calculate Substantial and Final Completion of contract time stated in number of consecutive calendar days or established date. Time is of the essence. Liquidated Damages shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per calendar day of delay in achieving Substantial Completion. COMMUNICATIONS - The bid/proposal process is highly controlled. To protect the integrity of the process, any questions or clarifications regarding this Request for Bid/Proposal must be handled through the Department of Procurement, Contracting, & Payment Services. SUBSTANTIAL AND FINAL COMPLETION - The Contractor shall achieve Substantial and Final Completion of the entire Work as calculated or indicated below. The date of issuance of the West Virginia University's Notice to Proceed and/or Contact shall be used to calculate Substantial and Final Completion if contract time stated below is in number of calendar days. Substantial Completion shall be no later than July 15, 2021. Final Completion shall be no later than July 30, 2021. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - The Contractor shall achieve Substantial and Final Completion of the entire Work as calculated or indicated above. The date of issuance of the West Virginia University's Notice to Proceed or Executed Agreement shall be used to calculate Substantial and Final Completion of contract time stated in number of consecutive calendar days or established date. Time is of the essence. Liquidated Damages shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per calendar day of delay in achieving Substantial Completion and Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($500) per Calendar Day of delay in achieving Final Completion. PREVAILING WAGE RATES - The successful Bidder and all subcontractors must pay the West Virginia Department of Labor Wage Rates as established for the County in which the Work is being performed, pursuant to West Virginia Code 21-5-1, et seq. in effect at the time of bid opening (currently there is no prevailing wage in effect). Copies of current wage rates may be located at the following web site: State of WV Wage Rates http://www.sos.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx. Cutoff for Questions: Date: February 23, 2021 Time: 12:00 pm EST ANNOUNCEMENTS: The University is taking necessary precautions for COVID19: - The University will be limiting site visits to reduce gatherings - there will be a MANDATORY ZOOM Call-in or Video Pre-Bid meeting for this solicitation. - There will be a monitored site visit open only to those contractors who attended the Pre-Bid meeting. Time and Date to be determined at the Pre-Bid Meeting Interested Contractors will be required to email the Procurement Officer to receive the link for the meeting and to schedule the site visit (available times will be shared). NOTE:Participation in the solicitation will require a contractor to meet the specified qualifications (see Exhibit A) and submit three (3) examples of similar experience (see Exhibit B) Visitors and Contractors Self-Screening Checklist The safety of West Virginia University's campus community remains our top priority. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and spread, WVU is monitoring the situation closely and will periodically update its policies and procedures based on current guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization and other federal, state and local agencies. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the potential risk of exposure to our employees and visitors, we are conducting a simple screening questionnaire. Your participation is important to help us take precautionary measures to protect you and other members of our campus community. Please visit https://wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9nSBYN2wCkPoiWxwhenever there is an intent to come to campus. WVU's guidelines for visitors on campus. Contractors and construction workers also should follow the Guidance for the Construction Workforce and other federal, state and local guidelines. https://talentandculture.wvu.edu/coronavirus-covid-19-resources/wvu-return-to-on-campus-work-playbook/visitors-and-contractors-self-screening-checklist West Virginia University on behalf of its Board of Governors invites qualified Contractors to submit a bid to provide all labor, materials equipment, and services to Renovate the Milan Puskar Stadium, Press Box - West Suites. NOTE:Participation in the solicitation will require a contractor to meet the specified qualifications (see Exhibit A) and submit three (3) examples of similar experience (see Exhibit B)

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1 Ira Errett Rodgers Dr, Morgantown, WV

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