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Published May 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Completed plans call for site work for a 56,372-square-foot, two-story above grade swimming pool; and for the renovation of a swimming pool.

The City of Albuquerque, through its Department of Municipal Development is requesting competitive sealed proposals with the intent of entering into a contract with a general contractor for the purpose of providing construction services for a City owned pool. This procurement process is a combined technical qualifications and cost-based selection. The Offeror is required to provide qualifications and other documents as part of the Technical Proposal. The Cost Proposal will be evaluated separately from the Technical Proposal. Offeror's attention is specifically directed to: the Instructions to Offerors; Special Provisions; and, the Supplemental Special Provisions contained in the Proposal Documents. As a condition of award, the successful Offeror, including contractors and subcontractors at all tiers, are required to execute and be bound by a project labor agreement, on a form included in the Request for Proposals. Description of Work: This may be a Multi-Phase Construction project, with potential for the awarded Contractor to continue with work, that includes: Base Bid Site Utilities, Site/Building Grading, Mechanical Room Alternate No. 1 - Natatorium The main entrance is on the south side of the building. The lobby space is a two story space with a check-in/ticketing room. The hygiene/locker room are access through the east corridor that runs the length of the building and exits to the Outdoor Pool. Other spaces: Dryland Training Room Hygiene area Locker Rooms (Men and Women) Lifeguard Rooms (visibility to indoor natatorium and outdoor pool) Staff Restroom 8-lane, 60M pool with three ping boards (50M pool with 10M Diving area) 16-lane 25 yard laps (cross-wise from 50M) Three bulkheads Warm-up/cool down pool Mechanical/electrical/Pool support spaces Second Floor Upper lobby open only during competition events 850 seat spectator seating Aquatic center staff offices and conference room Alternate 2 Outdoor Family Aquatics Area Men and Women hygiene/restrooms/locker area Janitor Room Check-in ticketing room The Outdoor pool features are as follows: Beach Entry Recreational Pool in the shape of a 'Q' Two water slides Four lane 25-yard lap pool Shade canopies The outdoor pool will only be open during the summer months. The City is expected to accept one (1) of the above stated Alternates. The City reserves the right to designate the unaccepted Alternate as Phase Two of the Project. Phase Two would be negotiated with the successful Offeror at a later date. Name, Address, Phone # of Architect/Engineer: Huitt-Zollars 6501 Americas Parkway Ave NE, Ste. 830 Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-883-8114 505-459-9590 All inquiries and questions from Offerors or interested parties should be submitted to the Q&A section for the project website. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all meetings and bid openings will be held in accessible buildings and other accommodations will be made to facilitate people with disabilities being able to participate in the bid opening. Given reasonable notice, interpreters and readers will be made available for hearing or visually impaired. For more information or to make arrangements, contact the Contract Services Division, Department of Municipal Development (505) 768-3836. Question Deadline 03/01/2024


Swimming Pools


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work





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