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Published May 17, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the construction of a 23,000-square-foot, two-story above grade military facility.

*Contract Award Date: May 12, 2021 Contract Award Number: W912PM21C0010 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (DUNS): 161700646 Contractor Awarded Name: ACC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Contractor Awarded Address: Augusta, GA USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $16099714.00 Work includes the construction of a two-story 23,000 square foot military working dog facility, parking lot, and associated sitework. As of March 2, 2021, bids have been received and the owner is currently performing value engineering with a short list of general contractors - Sauer Construction has notified the content team that they are on of the GC firms that are re-pricing this project for the owner. The project includes 48 kennels, a veterinary clinic, surgery rooms, educational spaces, including a classroom, and an administrative area including office space for a permanent party cadre. The veterinary clinic includes three distinct areas: surgical space, radiological space, and a pharmacy. The facility will house a total of 48 kennels, which will include: 42 standard kennels and 6 kennels used for isolation of the military working dogs. An existing obstacle course and exercise yard will be shared to serve this projects mission. A portion of the existing obstacle course will be relocated, as it is currently on the site for the new kennel project. The kennels, isolation kennels, veterinary clinic, and administrative space will require dedicated HVAC units. Sound suppression will be provided in the kennel areas. Organizational parking will require six spaces for a truck and trailer as well as eight spaces for a training fleet of sedans and/or sport utility vehicles. Non-organizational parking will require 15 spaces. Provide fire suppression, fire alarm, mass notification, and security measures. Install cybersecurity measures including identity assurance of and operational resilience to fire life safety systems, building automation (EMCS/UEMCS) systems, and electronic access control systems, integrated commercial intrusion detection security systems (CCTV, IDS), cable TV, a protected distribution system, and connection to the energy management control system. Provide sustainability/energy measures and building information systems. Access for individuals with disabilities will be provided. Furnishings and equipment, comprehensive interior design, electronic security systems, and audio-visual services are included. Addendum #1-#4 has been issued.




Public - Federal

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Fort Bragg, NC

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