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Published September 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Toronto, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As part of the redevelopment of the property at 587 Yonge St by Cresford Developments improvements to James Canning Gardens were secured by the City of Toronto. The owner found that an opportunity existed to address and strengthen the entire linear park system. The scope of work includes upgrades to Norman Jewison Park, George Hislop Park, Moss Park Creek. The scope included preservation of mature honey locust trees on-site. Seven custom illuminated Corten Steel archways, standing 4.5 m tall, extend through the park, providing a warm level of lighting, clear site lines, and a distinct sense of place. The striking features take inspiration from the 1950s construction of the Yonge Street subway line that lies directly below the park system. The playground was relocated to a more visible and prominent area in the park and is comprised of a porous surface, elevated above the tree roots. New play elements include accessible play structures, balance features, and a large climbing structure. Custom precast concrete stools of varying heights and configurations were created working with a local fabricator. Spaced throughout the park, the playful stools offer casual spots to enjoy a coffee and discussion with a friend. Custom circular raised planters made of Corten Steel are filled with a variety of hardy perennials and spring bulbs that add seasonal colour and texture. The team also worked with the City of Toronto Transportation Department to provide a vegetated boulevard bump-out that extends into the road, slowing down vehicles and allowing for a shorter pedestrian crossing. As a piece of green infrastructure, the bump-out is designed to collect stormwater from the sidewalk and road. TIMELINE: Public meetings were held February 2021. Design was completed early 2021. Tenders will be issued late spring/early summer, 2021. Construction was completed summer, 2021.

Under Construction

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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May 31, 2021


15 Gloucester St, Toronto, ON

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