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Site work and paving for a road / highway in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

***As of June 24,2020 project has been awarded with the amount of 1,484,239.92. On behalf of the Quonset Development Corporation (QDC), sealed Bids for the At Grade Railroad Crossing Improvements (Burlingham Avenue, Compass Circle, Keel Street, Roger Williams Avenue at Zarbo Avenue, Moscrip Avenue, Casey Avenue & MacNaught Street, and Port Gate). The work includes but is not limited to, furnishing all, equipment, labor, devices, tools, materials, transportation, services, supervision and all miscellaneous requirements to perform all operations in conjunction with the efforts to accomplish the work. The Contractor will be required to meet the goal established by the State of not less than 0% percent of the contract bid price to the Contractors, Sub contractors, and/or suppliers which qualify as Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs); that 0% of the awarded contract value shall be performed by MBEs. The Prevailing Wage rates: Attention of bidders is called to the provisions of Title 37, Chapter 13, General Laws of Rhode Island, as amended - 1984 Reenactment. Particular attention is called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and prevailing wage rates to be paid under the contract. A Surety Company Bond, on the form furnished by QDC for at least 20% of the amount of the bid, must accompany each proposal. Certified checks, cashiers checks or cash deposits will not be accepted. The Proposal Guaranty will be furnished by surety companies authorized/licensed to do business in the State of Rhode Island. Performance, Labor and Material Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price will be required of the successful bidder. QDC reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive technicalities or to advertise for new bids. Burlingham Avenue (2019 CI 054) - DOT #909-970W: Work to be completed at this location includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consist of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with SSCCIIIPLUS Controller and 12" LED lights, and the installation of poly insulated joints, advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings. Compass Circle (2019 CI 055) - DOT #943-187C: Work to be completed at this location includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consist of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with SSCCIIIPLUS Controller and 12" LED lights, removal of the existing passive warning devices, both bonded and poly insulated joints, and the installation of advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings. Keel Street (2019 CI 056) - DOT #977-382X: Work to be completed at this location includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consists of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with SSCCIIIPLUS Controller and 12" LED lights, installation of poly joints, connecting power to existing service panel in adjacent building, removal of the existing passive warning devices, and the installation of advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings. Roger Williams Avenue at Zarbo Avenue (2019 CI 057) - DOT #943-201V: Work to be completed at this location includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consist of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with SSCCIIIPLUS Controller and 12" LED lights, installation of poly joints, spot tamping and tie installation as directed by the Engineer, removal of the existing passive warning devices, and the installation of advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings. Moscrip Avenue (2019 CI 109) - DOT #943-182T: Work to be completed at this location includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consist of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with insulated joints, 12" LED signal lights, and a push button activation on each signal with DTMF activation which will not require bonding of the existing rails through the crossing area. The existing passive warning devices will be removed, and advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings installed. Casey Avenue & Mac Naught Street (2019 CI 110) - DOT #943-193F & DOT #943-196B: Work to be completed at these locations includes the installation of a new active warning signal system which consist of new devices activated by style "C" AC/DC type circuits with insulated joints, 12" LED signal lights, and a push button activation on each signal with DTMF activation which will not require bonding of the existing rails through the crossing area. The existing passive warning devices will be removed, and advanced warning signs and the associated roadway markings installed. Port Gate (2019 CI 111) MBE- 3.0% R.I. WBE- 6.9 % *This project is on hold due to the public health crisis. A new timeline has not been established. Bid Date 04/13/2020 at 2:00 PM ET


Roads / Highways


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April 24, 2020

July 15, 2020


Multiple Locations, North Kingstown, RI

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