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Site work for a water / sewer project in San Diego, California. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This is the City of San Diego (City) solicitation process to acquire Construction services for Sewer and AC Water Group 1032. This project also will improve the curb ramps and street pavement and construct storm water permanenet BMP (Best Management Practice). Pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code section 22.3019, construction, alteration, demolition, repair and maintenance work performed under this Contract is subject to State prevailing wage laws. For construction work performed under this Contract cumulatively exceeding 25,000 and for alteration, demolition, repair and maintenance work performed under this Contract cumulatively exceeding 15,000 LICENSE REQUIREMENT: To be eligible for award of this contract, Prime contractor must possess the following licensing classifications: A OR C-34 SUBCONTRACTING PARTICIPATION PERCENTAGES : SLBE participation 9.1% ELBE participation 13.2% Total mandatory participation 22.3% No pre bid meeting The Director (or Designee) of Public Works Department is the officer responsible for opening, examining, and evaluating the competitive Bids submitted to the City for the acquisition, construction and completion of any public improvement except when otherwise set forth in these documents. Any questions related to this solicitation shall be submitted to: Public Works Contracts 525 B Street, Suite 750 (7th Floor) San Diego, California, 92101 Attention: Juan E. Espindola OR: Questions received less than 14 days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be considered. Bidders must pre register with the City bidding system and possess a system-assigned Digital ID in order to submit and electronic bid. The system will not accept a bid for which any required information is missing. The Work shall be performed in accordance with: Construction of approximately 11,763 lf (2.23 miles) of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) sewer mains to replace existing 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch diameter Vitrified Clay (VC) sewer Mains, including associated laterals manholes, cleanouts and all other appurtenances. This project also includes replacement of approximate 200 Lf of existing 10-inch PVC sewer main using trenchless method. Construction of approximately 16,819 Lf (3.19 miles) of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) water mains to replace existing 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 16-inch, and 20-inch Asbestos Cement (AC) Water Mains, including all associated water services and fire hydrants. This project also includes replacement of approximately 200 Lf of existing 12 inch AC water main using trenchless method and abandonment of a total of 5,599 Lf (1.06 miles) of existing AC water mains. Improvement of curb ramps, resurfacing, etc and construction of storm water permanent BMP (Best Management Practice). 1.1.The Work shall be performed in accordance with: 1.1.1.The Notice Inviting Bids and Plans numbered 40915-01-D through 40915-70-D and 40915 T01-D through 40915-T24-D, inclusive.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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