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Published March 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Galveston, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Mar 08, 2023 Contract Award Number: W9126G23D0002 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: L7DEK9NH8BW6 Contractor Awarded Name: Kenall-Halff JV LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Houston, TX 77063-6305 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $105,000,000.00 Synopsis for Multiple Award Task Order Contract for Architect and Engineering Services for Civil Works projects primarily for the Fort Worth District and within the Southwestern Division Area of Responsibility-100% Small Business Set-Aside General Information Document Type: Presolicitation Notice Solicitation Number: W9126G-20-R-0068 Posted Date: 14 October 2021 Original Response Date: 15 November 2021 Current Response Date: 15 November 2021 Archive Date: N/A Classification Code: C -- Architect and Engineering (A-E) Services Title: Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity, Multiple Award Task Order Contract Services for Civil Works projects primarily for the Fort Worth District and within the Southwestern Division Area of Responsibility-100% Small Business Set- Contracting Office Address U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Fort Worth; P.O. Box 17300; 819 Taylor Street; Room 2A17; Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300. Description CONTRACT INFORMATION: These services will be procured in accordance with 40 USC Chapter 11 Selection of Architects and Engineers and Public Law (PL) 92-582, formally known as the Brooks Act, as implemented in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 36.6. Firms must demonstrate competence and qualifications for the required work, stated in this synopsis, for selection for negotiation. This announcement is 100% set aside for Small Business. An A-E MATOC with a shared capacity of $105M and a period of performance of five (5) years (one base year and four each one year option periods) will be issued to support Civil Works programs and projects primarily but not limited to Fort Worth District (SWF) and the Southwestern Division (SWD) region. Three (3) firm-fixed-price Indefinite Delivery Contracts (IDCs) will be negotiated to compromise one MATOC. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 541330 (Engineering Services), which has a small business size standard of $16,500,000. The ordering period will begin on the date of contract award and will be in effect for the one (1) year base contract and if an option is exercised, another four (4) options with a length of one (1) year each. The selected Small Business firms will be required to perform work in accordance with 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting (DEVIATION 2021-O0008) The contracts are anticipated to be awarded on or about March 2022. A Minimum Guarantee amount of $2,500 for each contract will apply to the base period only. SF330 Part I and Part II updates will be requested annually on the award anniversary date. A Task Order requirement notice (TORN) will be issued for all Task Orders to all MATOC holders notifying them of the upcoming Task Order and may request additional information specific to the Task Order requirement. The Task Order selection board will use additional information requested by the TORN, in addition to the information provided on the SF330 to evaluate firms for award of Task Orders per the selection criteria noted in paragraph 3. Eligibility for this contract award requires registration of the offeror with the System for Award Management (SAM) database. Register via the SAM Internet site at https://www.sam.gov/. Offerors will be verified by Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number/Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) to ensure that awards for the MATOC are to unique entities. PROJECT INFORMATION: The services necessary for each requirement will be negotiated and awarded as individual Task Orders. No specific projects or tasks are identified at this time and therefore funds are not presently available for individual Task Orders under this solicitation. Future Task Orders may include but are not limited to facilities and infrastructure studies, engineering, design, and construction projects that are administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The A-E will provide planning and design related to Civil Works and Water Resources planning studies through feasibility report development, and projects; design support and consultant services in various combinations of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, geotechnical, and environmental engineering disciplines; landscape architectural, hydraulic, archaeological, and construction management services; cost estimating, cost control, scheduling and construction simulation services (risk scenarios, change order analysis, alternative methods); value engineering; technical and biddability, constructability, operability, environmental, and sustainability (BCOES) reviews; engineering during construction/construction phase services; design, drafting and planning services for renovation, and demolition of existing facilities; and development of design-bid-build packages (plans and specs), as well as, Request for Proposal (RFP) packages for design-build construction of multiple facility types. Tasks may include follow on construction phase services for DB RFPs or DBB projects. Services are required for engineering analyses, design, and related services to potentially include, but not limited to, any or all of the following: Engineering Analyses and Design; Hydrology and Hydraulic Modeling; RiverWare Modeling; Physical Modeling; Cultural Resources Investigations; Regulated Materials Surveys/reports; Phase I/Phase II Assessment/Investigation/reports; flood damage and risk reduction; Geotechnical Investigations; Fluvial Geomorphologic and Stream Restoration Studies; Aquifer Recharge; Writing and Modifying hydraulic, hydrology, meteorological, and other civil works related computer programs; Report Writing; Performing Independent Technical Reviews; Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical/Architectural/Geotechnical analyses, designs and reviews. The firm shall be able to provide services to support Corps of Engineers Civil Works and Water Resources Planning to include, but is not limited to: Plan Formulation, Socio-Economic Impacts, Economic Cost-Benefit Analyses, and Management and Execution of feasibility-level planning studies of flood risk management reduction, groundwater, environmental and/or ecosystem restoration, recreation, water quality, water supply and erosion control. The firm shall be able to provide Surveying and Mapping requirements to include, but are not limited to, planimetric, topographic, existing trees and utilities, photogrammetric and bathymetric field and aerial surveys to include stereo photogrammetric and LIDAR; vertical and horizontal controls; digitally formatted data processing; cross sections; boundary surveys; gradient boundary surveys; construction layout; and GPS surveys. The firm shall be able to provide services required for environmental analysis and design including conducting environmental studies and planning efforts including, but not limited to: forestry, biological/ecological analyses, geology, soils, socioeconomics, outdoor recreation planning, remote sensing, records searches, oversight of field operations, community relations, public scoping meetings, work plans, health and safety plans, sampling and analysis plans, detailed project schedules, storm water pollution prevention studies, habitat assessments and mitigation plans, contaminant fate and transport, risk assessment, to conduct environmental assessments (EAs) and environmental impacts statements (EIS) in compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental laws and regulations, provide environmental studies/plans including Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, as needed to conform to applicable statutes regulations (Federal, state, and local), and support for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (and/or its reimbursable customers for services described in this synopsis) coordination with Federal, State and local regulatory agencies and other related deliverables. The firm shall be able to provide services for Cultural Resource Studies to include, but is not limited to: site identification surveys, evaluation of site eligibility for the National Historic Register of Historic Places (NRHP), documentation of prehistoric and/or historic properties, artifact recovery and curation preparation, site file and NRHP form preparation, and data recovery planning and implementation, i.e. development of mitigation alternatives and/or designs. The firm shall be able to provide services and deliver products using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Revit, CADD and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services. The firm shall be able to provide services to support Independent Technical Reviews of multidisciplinary projects/studies performed by others. The firm shall be able to perform design services to include investigations, plans, specifications, and cost estimates for Civil Works projects. The firm shall be able to provide services to develop state of the art solutions to integrate legacy USACE engineering computer applications with modern USACE information systems. The engineering programs may be scientific in nature requiring intellectual input from field sites and coordination with USACE sites whose competency is engineering software development. Services include, but are not limited to, development of relational databases, providing user support, and identifying functions of legacy applications which need to be included into modern information systems through the preparation of application design documents. The firm shall be able to support flood risk management projects through preparation of water control manuals prepared in accordance with ER 1110-2-8156, preparation of Water Control Manuals. All work must be done by, or under the direct supervision of, licensed professional Engineers, Architects or Land Surveyors as defined by State Law. The project locations will primarily be in the Southwestern Division Area of Responsibility, including Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The firm shall furnish all labor, management, investigations, studies, travel, facilities, supplies, equipment, and materials to perform the required services. During the execution of work, the firm shall provide adequate supervision and quality control to assure the accuracy, quality, timeliness, and completeness of the work. SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria a-e are primary. Criteria f-g are secondary and will only be used to rank the offerors among the technically equal, most highly qualified (MHQ) firms, if required for ranking. This selection criteria will be used both for the award of the IDCs and for the award of Task Orders. In this synopsis the term "recent" means A-E tasks orders or contracts completed in or after 2011 (Jan 1, 2011 to the closing date of this announcement). Older projects will not be considered. The following items (a thru e) are the primary criteria: (a) Specialized Experience and Technical Competence. Ensure that all specialized experience requirements are reflected on appropriate personnel resumes in Section E AND in the example projects in Section F, in Part I of the SF 330. The Government suggests the A-E Highlights the areas that meet these requirements so the reviewers can easily determine that the requirements have been met. Show and highlight specific projects that meet these requirements. It is insufficient to say that the firm can meet these requirements. Firms must demonstrate how the requirements are met or exceeded. For criteria listed below, recent experience of subcontractors may be submitted to demonstrate applicable experience and competence. In Section E, Part I, the relevant resume projects provided shall show recent experience of the individuals, not the firm, in developing the documents required for Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects. More weight will be given to projects completed within the past five (5) years thru the closing date of this announcement) and performed for the Corps of Engineers. In Section F, Part I, provide project examples that best illustrate the proposed team's experience as it relates to the requirements of this contract. Work experience in the Fort Worth District boundary (TX, LA) will be considered more favorably in determining the MHQ firm. Demonstrating work experience inside every state within the SWD Civil Works boundaries (TX, LA, OK, KS, MO, AR) is encouraged. The project examples in Section F, Part 1 shall: Include the project name and location. A minimum of four (4) relevant project examples is required, eight (8) maximum. At least one (1) project example shall have a design fee of $1M or greater. The remaining project examples shall have design fees of not less than $300,000. The total design fees stated shall be the actual amount performed by the firm. For example, if the firm performed $100,000 for design on a $2M estimated construction cost project, state the amount of the design services as $100,000 not $2M. Rounding to the nearest $1,000 is acceptable. Projects submitted will include the contract and task order numbers. A random sample of projects will be verified, information determined to be false will result in disqualification from contract award. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Hydrology experience: Modified puls routing and Snyder's unit hydrograph procedures; Ability to develop hydrologic models using software packages such as HEC-1, HEC-HMS, HEC-GeoHMS, HEC-FFA, HEC-SSP, RES-SIM, and RiverWare; Period of record analysis; Discharge frequency analysis; Interior drainage and pump design; and Pipe networks (distribution and collection system analysis, design and assessment). In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Hydraulics experience: Develop models using, but not limited, to HEC-2, HEC-RAS, HEC-GeoRAS, HEC-FDA, and HEC-FIA software packages; and sediment transport, channel evolution and stability; floodplain mapping and stream restoration. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Geotechnical Design, Investigation and Analysis experience and working knowledge of Corps of Engineers Design standards, for example: Instrumentation - Installation, Monitoring and Evaluation; Subsurface Exploration; Inspection of Subsurface Explorations; Laboratory Testing; Static & Dynamic Stability Analyses; Seepage Analyses; Geotechnical Reports; Field Geotechnical Observations and Evaluations; Materials Investigations; Dam Safety Training; Geophysical Studies: Numerical Modeling; Graphic Log Preparation; Pavement Design; and Use of Geotechnical Engineering Software such as: GeoStudio Suite including SEEP/W and SLOPE/W, HoleBASE, PCASE, LPILE, FLAC and PLAXIS. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Civil Engineering experience including: significant experience in Civil Design plans and specifications; Civil engineering designs developed using GEOPAK, InRoads, or Civil 3D, software packages and delivered in AutoCAD. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Environmental Analyses experience: Ability to conduct and develop NEPA compliant Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments, and Biological Assessments; Capability to perform all environmental studies related to a Civil Works Feasibility Study Planning including but not limited to: biological/ecological/forestry surveys, biological assessments (BA), Phase I and/or Phase II environmental site assessments (ESA) per ASTM E 1527-00, site characterizations to determine nature and extent of HTRW contamination to support feasibility-level planning and/or design decisions, management and oversight of chemical analytical services consistent with that referenced in current Environmental Protection Agency (or applicable state-level) guidance/requirements resulting in legally defensible data for inclusion into project deliverables, environmental assessments (EA), environmental impact statements (EIS), and environmental baseline surveys (EBS). In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's GIS, Land Surveying and Mapping experience: Experience in developing large area digital topographic and bathymetric mapping using state of the art aerial photography as a base; Experience in traditional ground surveying capabilities performed by a Texas registered professional land surveyor; Ability to deliver mapping data in ArcGIS format and/or A/E/C standards; Ability to process DEM data, develop TINS and produce contours; and Ability and experience in rectifying different coordinate systems between diverse products to produce useable maps. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Cultural Resources experience: Ability to perform cultural resources activities associated with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its implementing regulation, as well as, similar cultural resource investigation/mitigation plan development as required by other applicable Federal, state or local statute, regulation, or policy; and provide support as required for coordination with State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPS) and other entities charged with oversight/protection of cultural and historical resources. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's ability to prepare construction cost estimates using the Government-furnished cost estimating MII program, latest version preferred. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Technical Review experience: Capability to conduct independent technical review of planning and technical design documents for adherence to established professional principles, practices, codes, criteria, laws, and policy. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Environmental Planning experience: Capability to perform Cost Effectiveness and Incremental Cost Analysis for ecosystem restoration analyses on Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning studies using IWR-Plan Software; Capability to perform environmental data gathering, analyses, Habitat Evaluation Procedure determinations, mitigation planning and EA/EIS preparation. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Planning and Project Management experience: Familiarity and recent experience with Corps of Engineers Civil Works Planning Process and Regulations; Ability to develop and progress projects using Primavera Project Planner; Ability to prepare required documents for feasibility-level planning studies of flood risk management, environmental/ecosystem restoration, recreation, water quality, water supply, hydropower, and erosion control; Ability to document and provide monthly financial data (i.e. obligations, expenditures, etc.) to Corps of Engineers; Ability to communicate orally (monthly meetings) and in written formats (bi-weekly project status updates); and Ability to plan, prepare, and conduct public meetings. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Economic Analyses experience: the Capability to collect, analyze, and input all necessary data to run Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center risk based Flood Damage Analysis, HEC-FDA, and HEC-FIA software program for flood control studies utilizing tools such as GIS and real estate valuation software such as Marshall and Swift, Capability to design economic research and study plans for various types of water resources studies; Capability to apply appropriate statistical/probabilistic methodologies, including but not limited to Monte Carlo simulations and various sampling procedures, to economic analyses for various types of water resource projects; Experience in conducting agricultural and recreational impact analyses in regards to various types of water resources studies; Ability to design and execute surveys/research aimed at estimating monetary and nonmonetary costs and benefits (National Economic Development costs) associated with stream based recreation alternatives and resource based existence values; Ability to conduct socio-economic impact analysis using Government accepted input-output models and familiarity in life-cycle costing and financial ability to pay analysis as well as identify and address issues relating to environmental issues. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Water Resources Planning experience: Understanding of water availability, water rights, ground water and other water planning issues within the Southwestern Division boundaries; Capability to perform water availability/rights analysis through computational models like WAM, GAM and others. In Section E and F, Part I demonstrate the team's Public Information experience: Capability to conduct public information programs to include information dissemination and gathering, person-to-person and phone surveys, conduct structured workshops, charrettes, and public meetings. Professional Qualifications. The offeror shall demonstrate that all expertise requirements are met on key personnel resumes in Section E, Part I of the SF330. When a minimum number of years/experiences is listed, it is since Jan 1, 2011 to the closing date of this synopsis. The following is a list of the key personnel, minimum requirements and the number of personnel required for this contract. These minimum requirements can be met utilizing in-house or consultants/subcontractors. Do not list a subcontractor as your firm's employee, as this will be cause for rejection of the SF330. Additional personnel other than the required will not be evaluated. If one professional of a specific discipline is required, and two are provided, only the first will be evaluated. One Program Manager, minimum of five years of Corps of Engineers experience highly desired but not required. Two Project Managers, minimum of five years of experience showing Corps of Engineers Civil Works water resources planning and design experience. Two registered Civil Engineers Two registered Structural Engineers Two registered Architects Two registered Electrical Engineers Two registered Mechanical Engineers One registered Landscape Architect One registered Geologist (or one Geotechnical Engineer) One registered Environmental Engineer Two Hydrologic/Hydraulic Engineers One degreed Archaeologist One registered Land Surveyor One certified Cost individual One GIS Specialist One Public Information Specialist One Economist One Biologist One Hydrogeologist One Environmental Engineer One Certified Value Specialist All work must be done by or under the direct supervision of licensed Engineers and/or Architects. All key personnel shall show experience within the past 10 years, in Block 19 for the required project types listed. This experience should be associated to their field of expertise for their role in the contract (Section E Block 13). Evaluation of each discipline will consider education (show school graduated from and year of graduation), registration (show type of registrations, year first registered, state, and registration number), relevant project experience and longevity with the firm. Engineers and Architects with a degree from an accredited university engineering or architectural program (ABET, NAAB-show that the university meets one of these accreditations) is preferred, but not required. Grandfathered licensing will be acceptable with demonstration of adequate recent (five years in the last ten years) design experience. The cost estimator does not have to be a PE or registered architect. The cost estimator shall be certified by AACE, Tri- Services, or any of the nationally recognized cost estimating certification organizations. The Certified Value Specialist shall have a current certification by SAVE International (show certification #). The Professional Land Surveyor shall be licensed in the state of Texas. Show license number. The Project Manager is not required to have a PMP, a PE or AIA, but they are preferred, and greater weight will be given if they have these certifications/licenses. Experience on resumes does not have to be with their current firm. More weight will be given if the experience is with their current firm. Provide a separate employee for each stated requirement above to meet the number required. NO DUAL ROLES. The title of the roles on the resumes and organizational chart must match the required discipline. Do not submit additional personnel resumes or people on the organization chart in addition to those required. The experience shown on the resumes must match the role in the contract. For example, do not show civil engineering experience for the project manager. Submit only one page per resume. Past Performance. The firms will be evaluated in terms of work quality, compliance to schedules, and cost controls, with emphasis on projects submitted under factor (a), as determined from the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) and other sources. The Government will retrieve the past performance evaluations for the prime firm, joint venture entities and individual firms forming a JV involved from the past five (5) years. Past performance will be reviewed for the proposed subcontractors for unsatisfactory ratings. Capacity. In Section H, Part I, SF 330, demonstrate the team's capacity to complete three (3) projects (total A-E fee of all three (3) projects totaling at least $1,000,000) within a six-month timeframe. The three (3) projects must be of the type listed in paragraph 3 (a) above and for purposes of this criteria shall be at three (3) separate locations, not within the same city. Knowledge of Locality. In Section H, Part I, SF 330, describe the team's familiarity and knowledge of standards, codes, permit requirements, laws, environmental regulations, soil conditions, seismic requirements and regulatory agencies in the SWD Civil Works AOR (TX, LA, OK, KS, MO, AR). Firms with Corps of Engineers Civil Works experience in Texas and Louisiana will be given preference. The following items (f thru h) are the secondary criteria: If there is a tie for primary factors, the selection board will first go to f. If this breaks the tie, evaluation will stop. If not, the selection board will go to g. If it still does not break the tie, the selection board will go to h. Geographic Proximity. In Section H, Part I, SF 330, provide the physical location of a firm in relation to the location of potential projects. The geographic location for this Contract is the SWD Civil Works AOR (TX, LA, OK, KS, MO, AR). Firms based in or having branch offices in Texas will be given preference. Volume of DoD Contract Awards. In Section H, Part I, SF 330, provide the volume of DOD contact awards, date of awards, numbers of awards, stated in dollars, for each prime or Joint Venture firm for the past twelve (12) months (see details in subsequent paragraph 5(f)). Provide the project name, Government Agency, contract number, dollar amount, and the month/year of the award. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: In an effort to reduce paperwork and cost, submit ALL SF 330s electronically via the SAFE website at: https://safe.apps.mil/ : Contact CESWF-CT-PreawardProposal@usace.army.mil to obtain a drop off request at least one day prior to the due date for SF330s. An email with instructions for uploading your documents will be sent to you after you make your request. SF330s are due on 15 November 2021. (a) Interested firms (single firms or joint ventures) having the capabilities to perform this work must submit a SF 330 (8/2016 Edition), for the prime firm and all consultants/subcontractors to the site stated above not later than 2:00 P.M. (Central Time) on the response date indicated above. If the response date is a Saturday, Sunday or Federal Holiday, the deadline is 2:00 P.M. the next business day. Late proposal rules found in FAR 15.208 will be followed for late submittals. Submission by telephonic facsimile or in paper will NOT be accepted. Instructions for completing the form are included on the form. The SF 330 form is available at https://www.gsa.gov/reference/forms. Firms who offering as a joint venture should include with their submission a copy of the signed joint venture agreement. Failure to include the joint venture agreement may result in the firm's elimination from further evaluation. (b) Submit a compiled SF 330, Part I, completed in accordance with the SF 330 instructions and additional instructions herein. It must contain information in sufficient detail to identify the team (prime, other offices of the prime firm, and subcontractors) proposed for this contract. Do not include company literature with the SF 330. (c) Firms should state the words " "SMALL BUSINESS" after the solicitation number in Part 1, A Block 3 of SF330. (d) Use no smaller than 10 font type using Standard English. Pages in excess of the maximums listed will not be used in evaluation of the selection criteria. Number the paragraphs of the SF 330 to correspond to the paragraph numbers in this synopsis. Submit the SF 330's in searchable PDF format. SF330, Part I, ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: (a) In Section C, identify the discipline/service supplied by each firm. With the firm name provide whether the firm is small business and what type. (b) In Section D, include a Team Project Organization Chart to indicate how each firm on the proposed team (prime and each subcontractor is identified in Section C) integrates into the composite team. Job titles and organization chart must match the required discipline titles. Organizational charts can be up to two (2) pages 8 1/2 x 11 pages. (c) In Section E, provide brief resumes of the on-staff or subcontractor employees you intend to use to perform the work. Resumes must be submitted for each employee required to meet the minimums stated above in paragraph 3(b). Use no more than one (1) page per individual resume. (d) In Section F, provide a minimum of four (4) but no more than eight (8) example projects for consideration. Specify on each project the value of the A-E Service performed. Use no more than one (1) page per project. (e) In Section G, Block 26, list the names of all individuals included in the resumes in Section E. (f) In Section H, provide a narrative to address each of the requirements, including subparagraphs, of items listed in paragraph 3, Selection Criteria, of this synopsis. When addressing team capabilities, clarify planned capability, existing capability and prior experiences, if applicable. Include any other relevant information including a short discussion of why the firm is especially qualified based upon the specific selection criteria listed in paragraph 3 herein. To describe paragraph 3(f), provide an itemized summary of DoD contract awards to include Agency, Contract Number/Task Order No., Project Title and amount. (Note: award of Indefinite Delivery Contracts will not be counted as award amounts, only actual Task Orders). Generally, provide a brief presentation of internal controls and procedures that demonstrate the firm's overall Design Quality Management Plan (DQMP,) which provides sufficient information about this plan and clearly explains the ability of the firm to control costs, schedule and quality of work to be submitted to the Government. A project-specific detailed quality control plan must be prepared and approved by the Government as a condition of contract award but is not required with this submission. Indicate the estimated percentage involvement of each firm on the proposed team. Do not exceed 10 pages for Section H. SF330, PART II, ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Responding firms must submit a copy of a current and accurate SF 330, Part II for the specific prime, as well as, for other offices of the prime and subcontractor offices proposed to perform the work, even if one is already on file. All Part IIs MUST be signed (signed within the past 36 months from the closing date of the synopsis) and dated either by an original handwritten signature or a cut and pasted facsimile of an original signature. Indicate in Block 5b of each Part II, if the firm is a Small Disadvantaged Business, Small Business, HUBZone, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, Veteran Owned Small Business, or Woman Owned Small Business. To be classified as a small business, a firm's average annual receipts or sales for the preceding three (3) fiscal years must not exceed $16,500,000. (a) In Block No. 4, Part II, provide the Data Universal Numbering System DUNS number/Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) issued by Dun and Bradstreet Information System The DUNS/UEI must be for the firm or joint venture performing the work and all subcontractors. (b) No additional project information will be given to firms during this announcement period. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. Point of Contact: Contracting -Donna Jones at CESWF-CT-preawardProposal@usace.army.mil. All questions must be submitted through the ProjNet System. OFFERORS QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS (a) Technical inquiries and questions relating to proposal procedures or bonds are to be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at http://www.projnet.org/projnet. (b) To submit and review bid inquiry items, bidders will need to be a current registered user or self-register into the system. To self-register go to web page, click BID tab, select Bidder Inquiry, select agency USACE, enter Key for this solicitation listed below, and your e-mail address, click login. Fill in all required information and click create user. Verify that information on next screen is correct and click to continue. (c) From this page you may view all bidder inquiries or add an inquiry. Only one question will be allowed per inquiry. If multiple questions are included in a single inquiry, only the first question will be answered. All others will remain unanswered until entered in as single inquiries. Bidders will receive an acknowledgement of their question via email, followed by an answer in ProjNet to their question after it has been processed by our technical team. (d) The Solicitation Number is: W9126G-20-R-0068 (e) The Bidder Inquiry Key is: II7SAX-3M6VA4 (f) The Bidder Inquiry System will be closed to new inquiries seven (7) calendar days prior to submission date in order to ensure adequate time is allotted to form an appropriate response and amend the solicitation, if necessary. If the System is not closed in a timely manner, an inquiry posted within seven (7) calendar days of the scheduled receipt of SF 330s date will still be regarded as untimely and will not be afforded a substantive response. (g) Offerors are requested to review the synopsis in its entirety and review the Bidder Inquiry System for answers to questions prior to submission of a new inquiry. (h) The bidder call center Help Line operates weekdays from 8am to 5pm U.S. Central Time Zone (Chicago). The telephone number for the Call Center is (833) 389-1097. (i) Offers will NOT be publicly opened. Information concerning the status of the evaluation and/or award will NOT be available after receipt of SF330s. (j) Phone calls to discuss the solicitation are discouraged unless absolutely necessary. Personal visits for the purpose of discussing this solicitation are not allowed. To verify your proposal has been delivered you may e-mail: CESWF-CT-PreawardProposal@usace.army.mil. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


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