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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Kirwin, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and bridge / tunnel.

*Contract Award Date: Jun 30, 2020 Contract Award Number: 693C73-20-C-000021 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (DUNS): 007146947 Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (SAM): Contractor Awarded Name: LAFORGE AND BUDD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Contractor Awarded Address: Parsons, KS USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $1747795.00 Solicitation no- 102360-001 Roadway rehabilitation and parking area improvements. Roadway reconditioning, aggregate surface, ditch reconditioning, drainage culverts, riprap, signing and other miscellaneous work. This Invitation for Bids is for the Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge Project KS FTFW KIRW 14(1), 104(1), located in Phillips County, Kansas in strict accordance with the Solicitation/Contract instructions, notices, clauses, provisions, items listed below, and for the quantities of work actually performed at the unit prices as bid in the Bid Schedule, including all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes. If the Government awards the contract as Schedules A + B, the performance period to complete all contract work will be 215 calendar days. Maximum Time Allowed for Each Schedule of Work if Awarded Separately: If the Government awards the contract as Schedule A only, the performance period to complete all Schedule A work will be 120 calendar days and will start on the effective date of Schedule A's Notice to Proceed. If Schedule B (Government Option 1) is exercised after the award of the original contract, the performance period to complete all Schedule B work will be 95 calendar days and will start on the effective date of Schedule B's Notice to Proceed. See Completion of Work section of the B-Pages - Bid Schedule Instructions for further information. The completion time for the contract is not to exceed the maximum time above. Work restrictions can be found in SCR Sections 108 and 156. Notice to Proceed will be issued within 30 days following receipt of acceptable performance and payment bonds with the start of construction activities to be no earlier than August 2020. (Actual Notice to Proceed date will be 10 days from issuance or the date specified in the Notice.) The estimated price is expected to fall within the price range of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

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Multiple Locations, Kirwin, KS

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