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Saving Project...

Published August 13, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Required bonding shall be provided electronically with your bid to const-proposal@portseattle.org. Original hard copy bonds shall be sent to Valarie Jarvi, Port. of Seattle, 17900 International Blvd., Suite 400C, Seatac, WA 98188, The e-mail Bids shall include the solicitation number, title, due date and time in the subject line of the Bid's e-mail. The Port's e-mail server will not accept files larger than 10 MB. If files are larger than 10M1-3, Proposers should send multiple e-mails with the information as set forth in the solicitation above as well as the total number of e-mails submitted by the Bidder. Port will use the time stamp on the Bidder's e-mail to deter-mine timeliness. Bidders are responsible for ensuring timely delivery of Bids. The Port is not responsible for Bidder's technical difficulties in submitting electronically. Late Bids shall be rejected as non-re-sponsive. This project includes federal fund grant NO. DTMA91G1500002 the DBE subcontracting percentage is 3% of the contract value- refer to contract document 00 83 00 for details. The Work includes: The Port of Seattle is implementing a Pavement Rehabilitation Project at the Terminal 46 container facility that includes full depth and partial depth (mill and over-lay) pavement repair. The Work includes repair and rehabilitation. of approx. 18 acres of pavement on the south half of the contain-er terminal due to distress in the existing pavement, The Work com-prises of the repair and replace-ment of container yard pavement to include localized full depth mill and asphalt placement. on the wharf, 2.5 inch. mill and overlay behind the existing pier bulkhead, mill and overlay at isolated areas in the upland area of the termi-nal and isolated 10'x10' pothole repairs. The Work also includes repair associated with subsidence of the existing pavement behind the wharf bulkhead, involving filling of voids beneath the concrete transition slab with high density polyurethane foam (HDPF) applied through drilled injection holes. This also includes monitoring the transition slab elevation during foam injection operations, to fill void, spaces completely with IIDPF with negligible lifting. The project will be phased into a minimum of 2 phases, the contractor can have a maximum of half the work area within the project,limits at a given time. Each bid must be accompanied by a cashier's check, money order, or surety bid bond, in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid, made payable to Port, of Seattle. Performance and Payment bonds will be required with the Contract. Time limit fin substantial completion of the work is 90 calendar days. The Port reserves the right to reject any and. all bids, to waive any informality, to accept any alternate bids, and to make such award that it deems to be in its best interest and pursuant to the terms of the General Conditions. Contract time extends from Award of the contract through Contract Completion as defined in the General conditions. In order to comply with Washington State's emergency proclamation limiting gatherings in accordance with local guidance and make necessary plans, bidders shall register they're attendees. There will not be a physical site walk, photographs representing the site tour of the project site will be made available.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

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401 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA

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