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Published October 27, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and remodeling of a mixed-use development in Marshalltown, Iowa. Completed plans call civil work for a transportation facility.

https://www.1230kfjb.com/2021/10/26/airport-delays-in-marshalltown/ _The Marshalltown Airport was the focal point of discussion last night for the Marshalltown City Council. Part of that discussion also is an illustration of the issues that come about when supply lines are backed up as much as they are now. Garling Construction, the contractor for the building of the new hangar, will not be able to complete the job by the end of the month, due to those supply chain issues. It is asking for a time delay and monetary assistant from the city to help make it whole. Public Works Director Justin Nickel told the Council the delay was one thing, the cost is another. The Council instructed staff to come back with a recommendation in two weeks on how to proceed on Garling's request.____________________________________ Bid Package No.1 - Bid Package No.1 shall cover all work related to the construction of a 100' x 120' hangar as indicated in project manual and project plans. Work related to this bid package shall be the Pre-Engineered Steel Hangar Building, Insulation, Liner Panel, Floor, Subbase and other items shown in the hangar, except for the construction of the walls and roof of the vestibule, electrical and mechanical rooms in the hangar building envelope, which shall be part of Bid Package No.2. In addition the terminal building power panel, the electrical and mechanical improvements in the vestibule in the hangar building envelop; water heater located in the mechanical room; and inverter for emergency lighting located in the electrical room shall be part of Bid Package No. 2. Bid Package No.2 - Bid Package No.2 shall cover all work related to the construction of a terminal building and site improvements as indicated in project manual and project plans. Work related to this bid package shall be the Pre-Engineered Steel Terminal Building, Interior Finishes, Floor, Subbase, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing contained within the terminal building envelope and other items not associated with the Hangar Improvements. Construction of the walls and roof of the vestibule, electrical and mechanical rooms in the hangar building envelope shall be a part of this bid package. In addition the terminal building power panel, the electrical and mechanical improvements in the vestibule in the hangar building envelop; water heater located in the mechanical room; and inverter for emergency lighting located in the electrical room shall also be a part of this bid package.

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Transportation Terminals


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2651 170th St, Marshalltown, IA

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