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Published June 25, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Romulus, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Question Acceptance Deadline 04/28/2020 05:00 PM EDT Questions are submitted online No Inspect approximately 32,000 feet of sanitary sewer within the City and preform any necessary rehabilitation. Sewer locations had been previously identified as having defects during previous sanitary sewer evaluations which were not addressed at that time. Major anticipated items of rehab include 5,400 joints to test, 550 joints to seal, 39 CIPP spot liners and 5,400 feet of full length liners. No pre-bid meeting is required for this meeting. In the event City Offices are closed, and you are unable to mail your bid submittal, submittals may be placed in the Election Drop Box located in the front of City Hall. Qualified contractors wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City. Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms included with the bidding documents. In preparing bids, contractors are advised to rely only upon the contents of this ITB and accompanying documents and any written clarifications or addenda issued by the City of Romulus' Engineers. All questions must be submitted to Robert Maynes of OHM via email (robert.maynes@ohm-advisors.com) before Tuesday April 28, 2020 by 5:00 P.M. No communication is permitted between companies and other City of Romulus Departments, Divisions Officials or employees prior to the award of the bid unless sanctioned by the City's Purchasing Director. Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion of the City and the City's Engineers. It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt of said addenda on the Bid Form submitted. Bid security in the form of a certified or cashier's check or suitable bid bond for a sum no less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the Bid will be required with each Bid. The City of Romulus reserves the right to postpone the bid opening without notification and to accept or reject any bid and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and to award the contract in whole or in part. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of the Bids. Neither the submission of nor acceptance of any bid shall constitute a contract between any bidder and the City of Romulus. No such contract shall exist without first being approved by a formal action of the Members of the Romulus City Council and only after all required bonds and proof of insurances and copies of endorsements have been received by the City and the agreement is signed by authorized representatives of the City of Romulus and the successful Bidder. The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published document or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus. Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or solicitations is strictly prohibited. General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Insurance Required - Contractors License Required - Installation Required Award Requirements - All or None Award


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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