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Published June 21, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Construction Management Services for project(s) consisting of the replacement of Cooling Tower, Chiller, boilers, air handlers, VAV boxes, pumps and associated piping and electrical. GOC376892 - The scope includes but is not limited to the supply and installation of the new Cooling Tower on the roof, new modular Chiller with variable frequency drives (VFD), Dedicated Heat Recovery Chiller to meet the cooling load and Domestic Hot Water (DHW) requirement in the summer. old pumps will be replaced with new VFD pumps: P-14, P-15 & P16 with all associated piping and accessories; and new electrical supply and controls and structural support for new units in the 12th floor mechanical room. The scope includes removal and demolition of the existing roof top Cooling Tower, centrifugal Chiller CH-1, all associated equipment, pumps, piping and accessories and removal of asbestos containing materials. GOC376895 - The scope includes but is not limited to the supply and installation of two new condensing boilers, new combustion air fan (F-6) including coils, controls & interlock, new primary HSW loop pumps (1A &1B), secondary loop pumps (P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, P-17 & P-18) with all associated piping, valves and accessories and new electrical supply, controls and new concrete pads as required for the new units. The scope also includes the removal and demolition of the existing boilers, all associated equipment, pumps, fan, piping, accessories and removal of asbestos containing materials as required. GOC376903 - The scope includes but is not limited to the supply and installation of a completely new BCMS controls system. The Direct Digital Control (DDC) system will serve all new and refurbished units for the HVAC system under this contract. The scope will also include all associated controls components including valves, dampers, sensors, etc. The head end of the system will also be completely new. The scope also includes for the removal of existing Niagara DDC control system and pneumatic controls components. GOC376905 - The scope includes but is not limited to the supply and installation of new motors, drives, shafts and bearings for fans (SF-1, SF-2, SF-3, RF-4 & RF-5). The scope also includes the removal of existing variable inlet vane assemblies and replacing with new inlet cones and Variable Frequency Drives (VFD). The entire air handling unit associated with SF-7 is includes in the scope. Also included are the replacement of hot water pumps P-20, P21; heating coils; cooling coils; hot water to glycol heat exchanger and associated piping, valves and accessories and new electrical. GOC991259 - The scope includes but is not limited to the supply and installation of new VAV boxes, terminal units and radiation wall units through the entire building along with associated piping, valves and accessories and new electrical supply, controls, etc. The removal and demolition of existing VAV boxes, induction units, unit heaters, fan coils, etc. are to be included in the scope. Documents are available at: https://www.bgis.merx.com/




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303 Main St, Winnipeg, MB

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