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Site work for a mixed-use development in Alpharetta, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Providing all materials, equipment and labor for the refresh of Caney Creek Preserve which includes site clearing and grubbing, layout, erosion control, earthwork, cast in place concrete, storm piping systems, play surfacing, masonry columns, pedestrian activated warning system, fencing, landscaping as detail in Bid plans and specifications. All work to be completed within 120 calendar days of issuance of Notice to Proceed. The envelopes containing the Bids must be sealed, addressed to Board of Commissioners of Forsyth County, GA, delivered to the Forsyth County Purchasing Department, 514 West Maple Street, Suite 104, Cumming, GA 30040, and designated as Bid No. 20-65-5212 in the lower left-hand corner. No bids will be accepted after 2:00 p.m., June 18, 2020. Each Bidder must deposit with his Bid, a Bid Bond, or a Certified or Cashier's Check to the order of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid and a Consent of Surety form from a surety company licensed to conduct business in the State of Georgia, engaging to furnish, upon award of the Contract, a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in a sum not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total price bid for the completed work and the appropriate insurance certificate. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid within 90 days after the actual date of the opening, thereof. Award of bid will be made at a later date. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work





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June 18, 2020

July 17, 2020


2755 Caney Rd, Alpharetta, GA

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