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Saving Project...

Published June 11, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

For Reprofiling / Resurfacing This project consists of Reprofiling/Resurfacing approximately 31.30 miles of Tuscarawas County Roads, Township Roads and City and Village Streets Bids shall be in conformity with the Ohio Revised Code, and shall be upon the forms furnished in the Contract Documents. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, bearing on the outside, the name and address of bidder and the name of the project "PROJECT #3-2020 TUSCARAWAS COUNTY" or "PROJECT #4-2020 TUSCARAWAS COUNTY" as appropriate. COVID 19 NOTICE: Bid Submittal & Bid Opening and OPWC Funded Awards At the time of Legal Posting, the Tuscarawas County Office Building is closed to the public. If that status has not changed prior to the Bid Opening date and time, the following will apply: -Bids must be submitted and received prior to the Bid Opening date and time via mail or they may be dropped off in the Drop Box located in the Tuscarawas County Title Office Vestibule, no later than two hours prior to the bid opening. Vestibule entrance is located at the southwest corner of the County Office Building. Parts 1 and 2 of this project are funded in part with Ohio Public Works Commission Funds and are subject to funding agency requirements. Attention is called to the prevailing wage rates to be paid where applicable for labor and public improvements in and for Tuscarawas County, as ascertained by the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Ohio. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the form of (1) a certified check, cashier's check or irrevocable letter of credit pursuant to ORC 1305 equal to 10% for the bid; or (2) a bid guaranty and contract bond for the full amount of the bid; both forms of guaranty as provided in Chapter 153 of the Ohio Revised Code and in the project specifications. All bid guarantees shall be conditioned that if the bid is accepted within sixty (60) days of the bid opening, a proper contract shall be executed, and that upon failure or refusal to enter in to said contract within ten (10) days after the receipt of notification of award, the bidder and the surety on any bond shall be liable to the County in an amount not to exceed ten (10) percent of the bid. The bonds or checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 48 hours after award of the contract or the rejection of all bids. Each bid and all certificates shall be upon the forms furnished with the specifications, and shall be delivered to the Clerk of the Board of Tuscarawas County Commissioners on or prior to the date and hour specified for receiving bids. Bidders shall comply with the Affirmative Action-Equal Employment Opportunity requirements set forth in the Contract Documents. A bidder/contractor will be deemed committed to the goal of such bid conditions by submitting a properly signed bid. Each bidder must insure that all employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin. The Tuscarawas County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids received. Custom Bid Results Part 1 - Tuscarawas County Roads 25 Shelly & Sands, Inc. - $626,626.40 Part 2 - Tuscarawas County Roads 47 Newton Asph Paving - $955,320.00 Part 3 - Tuscarawas County Road 103 Superior Pav & Matl - $83,893.75 Part 4 - Lawrence Township Superior Pav & Matl - $101,550.90 Part 5 - Warwick Township Newton Asph Paving* - $102,087.00 Part 6 -Village of Baltic Newton Asph Paving - $70,758.00 Part 7 - Village of Gnadenhutten Shelly & Sands - $69,401.99 Part 8 - Village of Strasburg Northstar Asphalt - $57,461.00 Part 9 - Village of Sugarcreek Newton Asph Paving* - $216,710.00 Part 10 - City of Uhrichsville Newton Asph Paving - $228,444.00 Part 11 - Tuscarwas County Commissioners Superior Pav & Matl* - $53,515.75


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, New Philadelphia, OH

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