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Published March 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Globe, Arizona. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of March 24, 2022, the Michaelson Project is on hold with no date to rebid at this time.** Notice is hereby given that Gila County is requesting Bids from qualified Contractors to provide Michaelson Building Renovation. All requests for additional information shall be put in writing and directed to: Betty Hurst, Contracts Administrator, (928) 402-4355, bhurst@gilacountyaz.gov. Demolition - Existing roof system to be removed. Contractor will provide all necessary equipment and tools to complete the demo and haul away the debris. Gila County and the City of Globe will coordinate on a traffic control plan for the demolition phase. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and erection of all safeguards necessary to protect the existing structure. The Contractor shall submit a detailed plan, including work sequence, prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Arizona for shoring, bracing, and other safeguards to maintain all parts of the structure in a safe condition during the process of demolition and construction, and to protect from damage those portions of the existing structure which are to remain. Submit plan prior to beginning work. Roof and Skylights - Contractor will construct a new roof system per the Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and Plumbing plans. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining the manufacture's engineered truss design as shown by the Structural Engineer to coordinate with the mechanical system design for unit placement and main duct runs. The Contractor shall field verify the dimensions, elevations, and other requirements necessary for the proper construction and alignment of the new portions of the structure to the existing structure. The Contractor shall make all measurements and calculations necessary for the fabrication and erection of structural members. The Contractor shall coordinate with all the contract documents and any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Architect and Gila County. The Contractor will provide all necessary equipment and tools to complete a new dried in roof system. This includes a crane to fly and set the trusses. Gila County and the City of Globe will coordinate on a traffic control plan for this phase of the construction. Coordinate installation of all mechanical system curbs with the Mechanical Contractor as identified on the mechanical drawings. More information on the roofing materials to be used for this project can be found on pages A5 & A6 of the Architectural drawings, S1 thru S3 of the Structural drawings, and pages 14 - 15 in the Technical Specifications. Bid skylight rough opening framing and new skylight installation as alternate #1 as listed on page 5 of the Technical Specifications. Mechanical - A comprehensive review and understanding of all associated plans, drawings, and specs will be required by the Contractor to complete the work in a professional manner. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all equipment and components that are found in the mechanical drawings to complete (5) new separate working HVAC systems. Special attention must be paid to the Structural and Architectural drawings for placement of the mechanical units within the truss webbings. The Contractor shall coordinate work with all other trades prior to installation to provide clearances required for proper operation, maintenance, code compliance, and to verify non-interference with other work. Do not fabricate prior to verification of necessary clearances for all trades. Bring any interferences or conflicts to the attention of Gila County and the Architect/ Engineer before proceeding with fabrication or equipment orders. Any substitution of materials or equipment must be submitted to the engineer to make the final determination of whether the substitution is equivalent. Electrical - Contractor will be responsible for providing all equipment, materials, components, and labor for the installation of (2) new electrical panels and all other components to complete the electrical circuits of each floor separately as shown in the electrical drawings. Contractor will also be responsible for providing power to all HVAC system disconnects. Mechanical Contractor will be responsible for the wiring from the disconnect to the individual HVAC units. Plumbing - The Plumbing Contractor will be responsible for the installation of new piping as identified on the plumbing portion of the engineering plans. This may require transitioning from existing piping to new

Final Planning



Public - County

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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To Be Determined, Globe, AZ

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