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Published September 9, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

The Scope of Services the Authority requires shall include all Construction Monitoring and Inspection Services and act as a liaison between DRPA and PennDOT representing the DRPA interests for work performed by PennDOT on DRPA property including, but not limited to, inspection of the Work to ensure that it is done in compliance with the Contract Plans and Specifications, inspecting construction material to be used at the site to ensure compliance with the contract Plans and Specifications, obtaining certifications of manufactured materials, review and approval of working/shop drawings, review the preparation of "as-builts" by the contractor, and such other services as may be required to furnish a complete engineering service of high quality. The scope also includes the review of the project schedules, payments, staging and recommend alternate solutions whenever conflicts appear. The Engineering firm selected for this project shall have extensive knowledge of various facets of bridge rehabilitation including: temporary structures, experience with maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT), and experience working around densely populated urban areas, railroad, transit, and commuter traffic. The description and location of the project: Removal and replacement of the Ramp A bridge over Frankford Creek, and removal and replacement of the Ramp B bridge over I-95, for a total of seven (7) new bridges and two (2) new retaining walls. Also includes management of fill and groundwater, concrete pavement, traffic control, and other miscellaneous construction. The Statement of Qualifications shall describe, in five (5) pages or less the following: - Qualification of the firm including any subconsultants and the key personnel on the inspection team. - Briefly describe similar consultation projects successfully completed in the last five years by the firm and the key personnel. - The current workload of the firm. - Location of the office where the work will be performed. The Statement of Qualifications will be used by the Authority to establish a short list of consultants to receive a Request for Proposal and to engage a consultant for this project. The Authority's Board of Commissioners has adopted a resolution stating Consultants seeking contracted work must be prevented from influencing the vendor selection process. In order to be considered in the vendor selection process, a Political Contribution Form and Certification must be completed and submitted with the Statement of Qualifications. The Delaware River Port Authority is firmly committed to providing full and equal business opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age or non-job related disability. In that regard, the Delaware River Port Authority will affirmatively assure that minority and female-owned business enterprises are afforded equal opportunities to submit proposals for consideration for all purchases and contracts issued in connection with this project. Prospective proposers should understand that the participation of certified MBEs and WBEs is a matter of great interest in the evaluation of all proposals. To that end, the DRPA has established MBE and WBE goals for this project. Proposers are not expected to name their MBE and WBE team members at the time they submit the Statement of Qualifications; however, should include a statement if they will be committed to using MBE and WBE firms. MBE and WBE team members must be named, and commitment levels must be noted at the time the proposal is submitted. In order to be added as a Proposer to this Project, please send a request, via e-mail, to the following Contracting Officer: Karen Cyphers - klcyphers@drpa.org. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Multiple Locations, Philadelphia, PA

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