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Published September 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; and for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of retrofitting the six (6) existing Calgon Sentinel 48 - 9 x 20 kW ultraviolet (UV) reactors, located in the DBPS. The major components of the Work are as follows for one (1) system to be repeated for six (6) complete systems: (a) Provision of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling. The Contractor is to engage De Nora to perform the CFD modeling in order to confirm that the hydraulic conditions of the existing piping does not interfere with the UV dose delivery of the system. If any concerns are discovered, they are to be conveyed immediately to the Contract Administrator to be addressed as quickly as possible. (b) Submission of a validation report for the system. The validation report is to be completed by De Nora in accordance with the latest version of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) UV Disinfection Guidance Manual (UVDGM) considering the polychromatic bias issues (e.g. action spectra correction factor - ASCF). (c) Replacement of all nine (9) sensor wells and all nine (9) UV duty sensors, supplied by De Nora, to accommodate 90% UV transmittance (UVT) as compared to the original design of 75% UVT. (d) Replacement of the three (3) wiper plate assemblies, supplied by De Nora, to include a 32 mm (1.25") drive shaft with new wiper plates. (e) Replacement of the three (3) top baffles, supplied by De Nora, to accommodate 90% UVT as compared to the original design of 75% UVT. (f) Modification to the existing Calgon reactors to accommodate any changes to the revised wiper system, UV sensor wells, and UV sensors. (g) Replacement of the existing local programmable logic controllers (PLCs). This shall include a one-for-one swap of components (e.g., power supplies, processors, IO Cards, communication cards, etc.) in the control section with new Schneider PLCs, which use M580 processors. (h) Replacement of nine (9) DC drive boards. (i) Replacement of the existing Human Machine Interface (HMI) to match existing size and minimum resolution. (j) Replacement of the existing Modbus Plus serial cabling between the local PLC and the UV Master panel with new fibre optic cabling that will utilize Modbus TCP/IP communication protocol. (k) Additional electrical modifications such as breaker and control wiring adjustments, harmonic mitigation, surge protection etc. as required to accommodate the modification to the existing Calgon reactors. Refer to the De Nora drawings found in the appendix for further details and information. (l) Commissioning of each reactor using the Setpoint Approach (existing licence). (m) Final adjustment and testing of UV dose using the Calculated Dose Approach with empirical equations provided by De Nora (updated licence). (n) Supply of all spare parts required for the Work. The funds available for this Contract are $2,100,000.00. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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