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Published January 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Decatur, Georgia. Completed plans call for the construction of a 15,000-square-foot, two-story above grade fire / police facility.

Sealed Bids for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and all things necessary pursuant to Drawings, Specifications, Conditions, etc.,.for Construction of Fire Station No. 7 (the Project). The new Fire Station No. 7, as designed, will include a three (3) bay drive-thru, 15,000 square foot, two (2) story building with a community and exercise room. The station will include all the modern-day amenities to accommodate both male and female firefighters as well as provide unisex facilities. The station is taking into consideration the importance of hot and cold zones to include separate clean out gear and laundry areas on the opposite side from the living space. This new design will hopefully reduce cancer risks associated with modern day firefighting activities by reducing risks associated with cross contamination of carcinogens with sleeping and dining areas. The construction has a parking lot, grading work, a retention pond, sidewalks, parking lot lighting, landscaping and other site work as shown on the construction plans prepared by Brown Design Group. The Contractor shall also provide construction notification signage about the project. Contractor shall fully complete all Work within 730 calendar days from and including the acknowledgement date of the Notice to Proceed. Addendum #1-#5 have been issued. The site of the proposed Work is at 1712 Columbia Drive/Parcel ID 15 187 05 004, 059 & 061 Decatur Georgia 30032 within DeKalb County, Georgia. Mandatory (Prime) DeKalb First-LSBE Meeting Dates: June 10, 2020; June 17, 2020; or June 24, 2020 For individual firms planning to bid as a yet to be formed joint venture, a representative from each firm is required to attend. Failure of a Bidder to attend the mandatory pre-bid video conference will be cause for rejection of the Bid. For information, please contact Crystal Creekmore, Senior Procurement Agent at ccreekmore@dekalbcountyga.gov. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Guarantee in an amount of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, including any contingency. Deadline for Submission of Questions: 5:00 P.M. ET, June 25, 2020 Price Schedule Opening: 3 - 5 Business days after Bid Opening All questions concerning the Project and requests for interpretation of the contract must be submitted to the Department of Purchasing and Contracting in writing via email to Crystal Creekmore, Senior Procurement Agent, at ccreekmore@dekalbcountyga.gov. Questions and requests for information or clarification concerning the specifications in this ITB must be submitted to the above listed contact person via email no later than the date and time listed in the bid timetable. Questions and requests for interpretation received after the established deadline or sent to anyone other than the listed contact person will not receive a response or be the subject of addenda. No Bid may be revoked or withdrawn until one hundred twenty (120) days after the time set for opening the Bids. The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities in bidding, and to re-advertise. Construction is expected to begin March 1, 2021.


Fire / Police


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work

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1712 S Columbia Pl, Decatur, GA

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