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Published July 22, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a golf course; and for paving for a golf course.

BP #1-02-Demolition; BP #1-03a-Concrete; BP#1-03bPrecast Concrete Planks; BP#1-04-Masonry; BP#1-05- Structural Steel; BP#1-06a-Carpentry/General Trades; BP#1-06b-Millwork; BP#1-07a-Foundation Waterproofing/Air Barrier/Sealants; BP#1-07b-Roofing/Sheet Metal; BP#1-08a-Doors, Frames, and Hardware; BP#1-08b-Coiling Doors; BP#1-08c-Aluminum, Glass, and Glazing; BP#1- 09a-Ceramic Tile; BP#1-09b-Acoustical Ceiling / Treatments; BP#1-09c-Resilient Floor and Carpet; BP#1-09dResinous Flooring; BP#1-09e-Painting; BP#1-10a-Moveable Partition; BP#1-10b-Materail Storage Bins Covers; BP#1-11-Food Service Equipment; BP#1-21-Fire Sprinkler; BP#1-22-Plumbing; BP#1-23-HVAC; BP#1-26-Electrical / Low Voltage; BP#1-31-Earthwork; BP#1-32a-Asphalt Paving; BP#1-32b-Fuel Dispensing and Storage; BP#1-32cFencing and Gates; BP#1-33-Site Utilities Elk Grove Park District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and to accept the bid from the lowest responsive, responsible bidder which is considered to be in the best interest of the Park District. All bids are to be in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders at noted in the Project Manual. All bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond equal to 10% of the bid amount, and the successful bidder will also be required to furnish a 100% Payment and Performance Bond as noted in the Bid Documents. No bids may be withdrawn after the deadline for submission. Only bids in compliance with the provisions of the Bid Documents will be considered. The District may reject any or all of the bids on any basis and without disclosure of a reason. The failure to make such a disclosure shall not result in accrual of any right, claim or cause of action by any unsuccessful Bidder against the District. It is the intent of the District to accept such bid, if any, as is that of the lowest responsible bidder as determined by the Park Board, considering price, conformity with specifications, quality, serviceability and terms of delivery. Bids shall be submitted only on form provided. The bid form must be completed in full and all total prices must include all work as stated in the specifications. This project has a minority inclusion goal of 25%, including certified MBE, WBE, and DBE contractors. Bids will be considered firm for a period of ninety days (90) after the deadline for submission of bids. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or portions of bids / portions of work and to waive any informality or technically in bidding if it should be deemed in the in interest of the District. All Bidders are required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Park District, that they are capable and able to complete the work as required in the specifications. Each bidder shall submit with his Bid, proof that he satisfactorily performed work of a similar nature to that specified within the preceding two years, together with the locations and the names of the responsible individuals in charge of such projects. The general prevailing rate of wages in the locality for each craft or type of worker or mechanic needed to execute the contract or perform the work, and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work, as ascertained by the park district or the Illinois Department of Labor shall be paid for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract or to perform such work and it shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor under him to pay not less than the specified rates to all laborers, workers and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the contract or such work. Certified payroll is required on this project for both general and sub-contractors. Bid Result : BP #1-02 Demolition : Break Thru Enterprises, Inc -77,600 BP #1-03a Concrete : Builders Concrete Services, LLC -683,336 BP #1-03b Precast Concrete Planks : Mid-State Concrete Industries - 107,690 BP #1-04 Masonry : Rasco Mason Contractors, - 490,000 BP #1-05 Structural Steel : Garbe Iron Works, Inc - 530,000 BP #1-06a Carpentry / General Trades :Hargrave Builders Inc. - 663,704 BP #1-06b Millwork : Hargrave Builders Inc-119,704 BP #1-07b Roofing / Sheet Metal :J.L. Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc - 598,842 BP #1-08a Doors, Frames and Hardware : La Force, Inc - 58,763 BP #1-08b Coiling Doors : House of Doors, Inc - 32,897 BP #1-08c Glass :Gateway Glazing Inc - 280,000. BP #1-09a Ceramic Tile:Douglas Floor Covering Inc - 58,400 BP #1-09b Accoustical Ceiling / Treatments:Just Right Accoustics - 107,095 BP #1-09c Resilient Floor and Carpet : Ready Tile Co., LLC - 44,170 BP #1-09d Resinous Flooring : CCI Flooring Inc - 25,400 BP #1-09e Painting : May Decorating II Inc - 68,125 BP #1-10a Moveable Partition : Modernfold Chicago Inc - 42,200 BP #1-11 Food Service Equipment : Boelter Co. - 143,024 BP #1-21 Fire Sprinkler : S.J. Carlson Fire Protection, Inc - 55,650 BP #1-22 Plumbing : Hayes Industries - 423,000 BP #1-23 HVAC : Air Supply Air Conditioning & Heating, - 330,000 BP #1-26 Electrical / Low Voltage : Kellenberger Electric - 638,140 BP #1-31 Earthwork : American Grading, Inc - 361,535 BP #1-32a Asphalt Paving : Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc - 120,000 BP #1-32b Fuel Dispensing and Storage : Crowne Industries LTD - 102,690 BP #1-32c Fencing and Gates : Northern Illinois Fence Inc - 41,900 BP #1-33 Site Utilities : Kane County Excavating, - 319,780


Golf Course


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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July 1, 2020

September 1, 2020


333 Plum Grove Rd, Elk Grove Village, IL

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