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Published June 19, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Vienna, Ohio. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For RFP - Consulting Services for the Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) Military Installation Sustainability (MIS) project The Board of Trumbull County Commissioners intends to contract for Consulting Services for the Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) Military Installation Sustainability Project in Trumbull County, Ohio funded through the Office of Economic Adjustment, Department of Defense; 10 U.S. Code 2391; 12.610 Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Compatible Use and Joint Land Use Studies. Answers to the RFP shall be submitted to the Trumbull County Board of Commissioners, 160 High Street NW, 5th Floor, Warren, Ohio 44481, Attention: Paulette A. Godfrey, Clerk. Facsimile or electronic submittals are not permitted. Direct any questions to Julie M. Green, Director, Trumbull County Planning Commission, 185 East Market Street, 2nd Floor, Suite A, Warren, Ohio 44481 at (330) 675-6620, email address: pcgreen@co.trumbull.oh.us The purpose of the Military Installation Sustainability Project is to carry out the recommendations and initiatives identified during the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) planning process for the Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) that was completed in 2019. The implementation project is comprised of eight tasks described in the scope of work and shall be completed by September 30, 2021 in coordination with the project stakeholders and the selected consultant. These initiatives will serve to protect public health, safety, and welfare; promote an orderly transition between community and military land uses to achieve and maintain compatibility, preserve and expand the operational capabilities of YARS; promote an awareness of the size and scope of military activities to protect areas outside YARS used for, or impacted by, military operations (e.g., critical airspace); and inform the local community of compatibility recommendations for specific geographies within the Military Compatibility Area. The YARS JLUS completed last year was a community-driven, cooperative, strategic planning process through a collaborative partnership with YARS, Fowler Township, Vienna Township and Trumbull County, to promote community development that is compatible with the military training, testing, and operational missions and seek ways to reduce operational impacts on adjacent lands. The goal of completing and implementing a JLUS is to encourage local municipalities and townships, under the leadership of Trumbull County, to work closely with YARS and implement measures that prevent the introduction of incompatible civilian development that may impair the continued operational utility of YARS, and to preserve and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of those living near YARS. The JLUS planning process served to increase public awareness of YARS and its contribution to the regional economy. The JLUS planning process was intended to protect and preserve military readiness and defense capabilities while supporting continued community economic development. The Consultant will be responsible for completing the eight tasks defined in detail within the Scope of Work including tasks and deliverables under Administration and Management, Development of a Geographical Information System Tool 3-Dimensional Imaginary Surfaces Model for the entire Military Compatibility Area (MCA), Education, Comprehensive Planning for the MCA, Zoning Recommendations and Updates for the MCA, Various Studies, and Legislative Development. Attention is directed to all responding firms that Trumbull County adopted a Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace policy on September 7, 2016, and the terms of the Policy also apply to Contactors reimbursed for services through the County; a copy of the Policy shall be part of the Qualification Statement and that each interested firm properly execute the "Sign-Off Sheet" therein. Attention is also directed to the requirement that each proposal must be accompanied by a NonCollusion Affidavit duly signed by the bidder, and a Personal Property Delinquent Tax Affidavit duly signed by the bidder required by Section 5719.042 of the Ohio Revised Code thereof. Attention is also directed to all responding firms that pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.86 and 307.87, effective September 26, 2003, this notice will be published one time only, with the condition that this notice has been posted online The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


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January 8, 2021


1453 Youngstown Kingsville Rd, Vienna, OH

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RFP - Consulting Services for the Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) Military Installation Sustainability (MIS) project

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