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Published May 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Wichita, Kansas. Design plans call for the addition of a 8,000-square-foot educational facility; for the renovation of a 5,500-square-foot educational facility; and theater / auditorium.

This building addition will bring together the work of three offices into one central location: the Offices of Admissions, Career Development and Applied and Experiential Learning. Having the offices in one unified space will allow prospective students and their families to get a comprehensive view on how Wichita State University will engage with students starting from their first year at WSU providing assistance in resume and LinkedIn profile building, career counseling and skill development in networking and interviewing. The support builds toward Innovation-Campus sourced internships, real-world learning experiences with major Wichita employers, and ultimately post-college job placement with companies. This suite of services to be housed within the Marcus Welcome Center is termed the Shocker Career Accelerator. As part of the project, multiple spaces within the Marcus Welcome Center (lobby, auditorium, and pre-function corridor) will be updated. The visibility of a new Career Center combined with student recruitment will connect the history of WSU (with relocated pieces of Shocker memorabilia in the new Shocker History Corridor), the entrepreneurial beacon of the Pizza Hut Museum next door, and the adjacent Innovation Campus – all leading to the future experience of a Wichita State student. The project consists of approximately 5,500 square feet of renovated space and an 8,000 gross square foot building addition. The estimated total cost of the project is $3.4 million and will be funded with private gifts. Planning, design and construction are expected to take approximately 27 months. It is likely that interior renovations will need to occur in phases to keep the building operational during construction. This project is currently in the state's FY 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. As of May 25, 2022, this project is in preliminary design stage. A construction documents completion timeline has not been identified. Construction is slated to begin late 2022. However, a firm date has not been identified. *Project information has been obtained through a public capital improvement plan (CIP). A CIP is a financial schedule for short- and long-range projects which is updated regularly. Information listed in the CIP often evolves based on funding availability and the project details, including timeline and value, are subject to change. The content management team will continue to pursue additional details as they become available.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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