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Published November 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Moscow, Idaho. Completed plans call for the construction of a 12,700-square-foot educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

The university 1s seeking qualified Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Consultants to provide Preconstruction, design phase expertise in a collaborative manner with the University and the Design Team for the Meat Science Innovation Center & Vandal Brand Meats (MSIC-VBM). Further, at the conclusion of the design phase, the university intends that it may then award a contract for the construction phase services, contingent upon contractor performance, appropriate licensure and Regent's authorization. Meat Science Innovation Center & Vandal Brand Meats project consists of the design and construction of a proposed new USDA-certified animal processing facility to facilitate the teaching, research, outreach and service conducted through the U of I meat science program to be located on the main campus of the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Initial planning assumptions suggest anew facility of approximately 12,700 GSF. The initial project scope vision includes all systems and site utilities/infrastructure necessary to fully integrate a complete and operable facility in the fabric of the campus. A current, valid Public Works Contractor's License for the State of Idaho is required for the construction phase services of this project. $7,650,000 Total Project Cost, subject to further cost estimate and development. Preconstruction phase services are scheduled to occur January 2023 through July 2023. Construction phase services are scheduled to commence in July 2023, with anticipated substantial completion in summer, 2024. Any questions which arise from this request shall be addressed to: Raymond Pankopf, Director University of Idaho, Architectural & Engineering Services 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281 Moscow, Idaho 83844-2281 (208) 885-6246 rayp@uidaho.edu or Daryle Faircloth, Project Architect University of Idaho, Architectural & Engineering Services 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281 Moscow, Idaho 83844-2281 (208) 885-6246 dfaircloth@uidaho.edu Pre bid - Failure to attend this review by at least one member of the proposing firm's team will result in disqualification of the firm in question. Description of the Project: General: The university seeks to design and construct a new USDA-certified animal processing facility to facilitate the teaching, research, outreach and service conducted through the U of I meat science program. This new facility will replace the existing meat science laboratory that was built over 60 years ago and will be known as the Idaho Meat Science & Innovation Center, to be located adjacent to the new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory on the Moscow, Idaho campus. The facility will also serve as the home facility for Vandal Brand Meats, the retail component of the program that employs student workers from various degrees across the university. Based on the Schematic Design efforts completed to date, the proposed site consists of an area approximately 46,500 square foot and building of approximately 12,700 gross square foot. The project is currently authorized for the design phase at $7,650,000. It is assumed that, given the recent escalation construction costs industry wide, that the authorization level will need to be adjusted when the university seeks construction authorization at the conclusion of the design phase. The CM/GC consultant is expected to play a criticalrole in determining the appropriate budget and authorization level. Any questions which arise from this request shall be addressed to: Raymond Pankopf, Director University of Idaho, Architectural & Engineering Services 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281 Moscow, Idaho 83844-2281(208) 885-6246 rayp@uidaho.edu or Daryle Faircloth, Project Architect University of Idaho, Architectural & Engineering Services 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2281 Moscow, Idaho 83844-2281 (208) 885-6246 dfaircloth@uidaho.edu




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875 Perimeter Dr, Moscow, ID

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