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Renovation of a municipal facility in Mississauga, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Without limiting the project scope, which is described in detail in the Contract Documents, the Work involves: - The installation and maintenance of hoarding, dust protection and construction signage around each phase of the work as described in Section 01 56 00 - Protection of Work and Property. - Localized repair and replacement of spalled and deteriorated bricks, precast concrete blocks, and glass masonry blocks in the areas of the building accessible from grade and roof levels with the exception of areas on the office tower above 4th floor. - Localized repair of deteriorated mortar at the brick walls in the areas of the building accessible from grade and roof levels with the exception of areas on the office tower above 4th floor. - Wholesale mortar repointing at the precast concrete coping blocks at the parapet walls on the 4th floor roof and council chamber roof including the installation of sealant at skyward facing joints between coping blocks. - Localized removal and replacement of building envelope sealant including but not limited to the brick-to-brick control joints, brick-to-metal joints at window perimeters, metal-to-metal joints at window frames, and metal-to-glass joints at windows, as directed by the consultant. - Repair all areas damaged by construction activity; specifically, the Contractor shall repair all damage resulting from the Construction to the satisfaction of the Consultant including repainting of surfaces in accordance with these Specifications which have been damaged. - Final cleaning of structure, fixtures, piping, etc., and the disposal all waste products and/ or debris generated by the construction activity as well as any material present in the work area prior to the commencement of the Work. The areas requiring cleaning shall consist of all areas affected by the Work. Documents and addenda can be obtained at: Question Deadline: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:00:00 PM (EDT) Award is subject to final approval.




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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300 City Centre Dr,, Mississauga, ON

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