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Site work, asbestos abatement and renovation of a mixed-use development in Dallas, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; for site work for a medical facility; and for asbestos abatement for a medical facility.

Contract Award Number: 36C10F21C0009 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (DUNS): 825883825 Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (SAM): GTP8S87MBPF3 Contractor Awarded Name: GREENLAND ENTERPRISES, INC. Contractor Awarded Address: HAMPTON, VA 23666 Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $9205000.00000000 The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Construction and Facilities Management (CFM) is issuing a Pre-solicitation Notice for construction project Central Utility Plant (CUP) Dallas, Project No. 549-820E. Located at the Dallas Campus of the VA North Texas Health Care Systems, Dallas TX. This procurement will be UNRESTRICTED to be released under Solicitation Number 36C10F-20-R-0091. The contractor must provide all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment and transportation, and services necessary for construction. The construction project is for Building 70 (Energy Center) and Building 37 (Cooling Towers) work includes but is not limited to Central Utility Plant Upgrade. Work is to include an additional new 1,500-ton chiller; and associated related work, equipment and piping within Building 70. Also, to be included are provisions for underground connections from this equipment to the cooling towers. The Building 70 footprint is to remain the same as it currently exists. The work includes removal of four existing field erected cooling towers. It also includes the addition of six new pre-packaged stainless-steel cooling towers and installing them on existing and extended concrete basins. (There will be three new concrete basins added.) The work includes the provision of sluice gates to allow them to connect with each other. Also included is the addition of basin sweepers with centrifugal separators for the new cooling tower cells. Also included are other related provisions for pumps, piping, etc. within and near Building 70 and other items described in the documents. ASBESTOS TESTING Asbestos surveys were conducted for Building 70 (Energy Center) and Building 37 (Cooling Towers). No asbestos containing material was found. It should be noted however, that an inspection of and sample collection from the electrical components [electrical components specifically for four existing chillers and for four existing cooling towers to be impacted by activities within the current project] were excluded because the systems were energized during the time that asbestos surveys were being conducted. The CONTRACTOR must have the electrical components for these specific items inspected for the presence of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and samples tested after the affected systems have been de-energized and before the components are disturbed. CONTRACTOR must use proper lock-out tag-out procedures. Samples must be collected in sufficient quantity and analyzed to assure compliance with the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules and collected by a properly trained individual who is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services as either an Asbestos Inspector or an Asbestos Individual Consultant. Testing results will be provided to the Resident Engineer and the Architect within twelve (12) calendar days of completion of each phase of sample collection activities. Abatement of any asbestos containing materials found by this testing process is excluded from the base bid scope for this project, but the testing and analysis for such specific items is included. [[ CONTRACTOR is responsible to account for scheduling of asbestos surveys (for inspection and sample collection), including receipt of testing results, within the schedule for the work effort and for any impacts of these to the work effort and its sequencing. (Abatement if required, is not included within base bid scheduling/ sequencing provisions.) It is possible that the inspection/testing and analysis will need to be phased just like the work on the equipment is phased. Contractor is responsible for repair to any electrical casings and to any other portions of existing equipment if damage occurs by such inspection/testing and related activities (and if damage occurs by other construction/ renovation activities) to any equipment and related items slated to remain in service.]] The magnitude of construction cost for this project is between $10,000,000.00 and $20,000,000.00 with a period of performance of 426 calendar days after receipt of notice to proceed. The applicable North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is 238220 (Plumbing, Heating, and Air- Conditioning Contractors), small business size standard is $16.5Million. NOTICE TO OFFFERORS: All offerors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) before submitting an offer and at time of award. Offerors must comply with FAR 52.204-7 and 52.204-8. Registration will be verified using the Unique Entity Identifier that identifies the Offeror s name and address exactly as stated in the offer. Contractors submitting as SDVOSB must be certified and visible in VETBIZ at time of proposal and award. All contractors submitting proposals must comply with 52.204-25 Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, and certify compliance in SAM (reps & certs). SOLICITATION and AMENDMENTS: Prospective Offerors must obtain copies of solicitation documents from Contracting Opportunities at www.BETA.SAM.Gov , which will be available on or around September 25, 2020. By registering at Contracting Opportunities (http://www.BETA.SAM.Gov) the Offerors will have access to downloading plans, specifications and amendments, which will be available only in Adobe PDF electronic format. The Offerors must be registered in SAM and have a DUNS Number to download documents. By registering to Receive Notification list at http://www.BETA.SAM.Gov, you will be notified by e-Mail of any new amendments that have been issued and posted, any notifications, and communication with other contractors and query to this requirement. No other notification of amendments will be provided. Potential Offerors are advised that they are responsible for obtaining and acknowledging any amendments to the solicitation. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE/SITE VISIT: Pre-proposal conference information will be outlined in the RFP. Due to the current COVID 19 pandemic, contractors are asked to use the attached Notification of Attendance in providing advance notice of their attendance and any persons that will accompany them to the conference. This will allow organizers to provide for social distancing of those in attendance. Complete and return the notification to the contracting officer by September 30, 2020. The pre-proposal conference is tentatively schedule for October 29, 2020 @ 1:00p.m. CST at the VA North Dallas campus. There will be no public bid opening. All Offerors must ensure that their firms have the capacity to provide both 100% Performance and Payment Bonds. In addition, the Offerors will be required to submit a bid guarantee (Bid Bond) with their proposal. Award will be made utilizing the Best Value process IAW FAR Part 15. If you have any questions, please contact Deontrinese Dalton 202-256-5809, . In the subject line of any email please identify 36C10F-20-R-0091 Dallas CUP . This Special Notice is to advise the date change for the Pre-Proposal conference/Site Visit previously revised for November 16, 2020. This date November 16, 2020 is now void until further notice. The final submission date for RFIs is January 12, 2021, noon Central Time.




Public - Federal

Asbestos Abatement, Renovation, Site Work





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