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Published August 7, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Bristol, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFG) requires an autumn 2020 extraction and spring 2021 install of three (3) temporary steel extension piles for the seasonal dock at NHFG's Wellington State Park boat ramp in Bristol, NH that accesses Newfound Lake. In addition, the NHFG seeks assistance retrieving and deploying the seasonal floating dock and gangway system associated with the extension piles. The assistance can be provided without resetting the crane position or configuration. Questions about the project may be submitted by email to Garret Graaskamp (NHFG Statewide Boat Access Program Coordinator) at garret.graaskamp@wildlife.nh.gov no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, July 16, 2020. No pre-bid meeting is scheduled. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFG) requires an autumn 2020 extraction and spring 2021 install of three (3) temporary steel extension piles for the seasonal dock at NHFG’s Wellington State Park boat ramp in Bristol, NH that accesses Newfound Lake. In addition, the NHFG seeks assistance retrieving and deploying the seasonal floating dock and gangway system associated with the extension piles. The assistance can be provided without resetting the crane position or configuration. The Contractor shall provide all necessary and appropriate strapping or cabling (“strapping”) to NHFG personnel for securing to the dock segments, gangway and extension piles to complete this project. NHFG will provide a boat to support the extension pile and dock retrieval/deployment activity as needed. The Contractor will not need to supply a diver. The dock consists of two (2) eight (8) foot wide by twenty (20) foot long by two and onehalf (2.5+/-) foot deep floating dock segments. When in service the two segments are bolted to each other and are accessed from shore by a thirty (30) foot long by four (4) foot wide aluminum gangway. The dock segments weigh approximately 4,500 pounds each. Each dock segment has pile slots enclosed by a piece of decking that can be removed to receive piles. The outer pile is secured to the outer-lake-end of the dock segment via a removable metal chain that attaches to the end of the dock segment and surrounds the pile. Please refer to the pictures in the supporting documents. Each seasonal extension pile is steel pipe with an 8.625-inch OD and 0.375-inch thick walls; about 16 feet long and weighs about 600 pounds. They are fitted into permanent 10-inch ID steel pipes (“sleeve piles”) located below water. The top of each extension pile has a centrally located pick point ring. The nominal dimensions of the insideopening of the ring are 2-inch wide by 5-inch tall; and the diameter of the steel-ring-bar is 1.5-inch. The distance to the furthest piling is about 80 feet from the shoreline. The winter storage area in the parking lot for the dock segments is about 80 feet from shore. The water depth varies from 4 to 7 feet at the pile locations. There is an underground electric wire between the restroom and the overhead light at the ramp. Other than the overhead light at the ramp, there are no overhead wire lines in the vicinity of the set up location. Contractor is responsible for protecting all facility infrastructure including, but not limited to, the concrete ramp surface, dock abutment and asphalt pavement during project activities and for repairing any damage that may occur.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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July 23, 2020

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614 W Shore Rd, Bristol, NH

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