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Published January 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Regina, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The University of Regina, as represented by Supply Management Services, requires the services of an experienced General Contractor to provide Construction Management Services for the installation of a large diameter sanitary Backflow Prevention Valve and related services with a minimum of 10 years experience and expertise in deep excavation, geotechnical design coordination, tangent pile and/or soldier pile shoring systems, de-watering systems, blind side permanent foundations walls and assemblies. The project works is generally described as the supply and installation of a 20 inch diameter backflow prevention valve system at an estimated depth of 18 to 24 feet below grade. The design site is located on the west side of the University main campus between University Drive West and Wascana Parkway. The project includes shoring system, construction of permanent waterproof cast in place concrete access shaft to facilitate maintenance on the back-flow system. The roof assembly will have access hatches for personnel and hatches to accommodate future removal of equipment for maintenance. The location of the access shaft is such that is proximity to large diameter water mains, natural gas mains, and irrigations mainlines and underground power. Existing landscaping elements is to remain in place including mature trees. Upon completion irrigation and landscaping elements altered of damaged to be reinstated as per preconstruction condition by others. The existing main University sanitary line must remain in service during construction work and commencing mobilization will begin the week of July 27, 2020. The target construction value for this project is $650,000 in Canadian dollars.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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July 24, 2020

July 27, 2020


Multiple Locations, Regina, SK

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