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Published August 12, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a pre-engineered storage facility in Burwell, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the construction of a 13,250-square-foot pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a pre-engineered storage facility.

In general, Work consists of constructing a new maintenance facility of approximately 13,250 squarefeet, containing NDOT office area and crew room, restrooms, heated equipment storage bays, cold storage bay, wash bay, and parts/tool storage at a new maintenance yard located in Burwell, NE. Construction is to be primarily a pre-engineered metal building with concrete curb around the perimeter. Non-load bearing metal stud framing is to be used for interior wall framing. Additional building components will include concrete footings, metal roof, sectional doors, hollow metal and fiberglass doors andframes, aluminum windows, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing installation. Site work includes site grading, paving, parking, sidewalks, fuel island, salt storage structure slab, utilities, and perimeter fencing. Each Bidder must submit with the bid a certified or cashiers'check or a bid bond on AIA form A310 in an amount equal to five (5%) of the bid. The character and amount of security must be submitted by the Contractor for the performance of the Contract is stated in the proposed contract documents.Bidders may not withdraw their bids for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of the bids. Bids which are mailed shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope, labeled as described in this paragraph, inside the mailing envelope Bids mailed to this office shall be addressed to:Nebraska Dept. of Transportation Operations Division-attn: Liz Salisbury PO Box 94759, Lincoln, NE 68509-4759 The State of Nebraska, Department of Transportation reserves the right to reject any or all bids and re-advertise for Bids;reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids which furnish the materials and construction that will in their opinion serve the best interests of the State NDOR - District 8 - Burwell Maintenance Facility


Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work





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August 13, 2020

October 12, 2020


82403 NE-11, Burwell, NE

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