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Published July 15, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Olympia, Washington. Working plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

As of July 15th 2021 this project has been canceled. Unsure if this plans to rebid. The King County Housing Authority (KCHA) will accept bids from qualified general contractors to furnish labor, materials and necessary equipment to perform the following: The work for this project involves the removal and replacement of all existing hydronic heat units in the entire building including all tenant units, the Recreation Room, Offices, Garbage Room, Maintenance Room, Laundry Room, Closet Room, Craft Room, Four (4) Stairwells and Hallways; the installation of new isolation and control valves, to each new hydronic unit and reconnect with new thermostats. Contractor to size each new heating cabinet to accommodate the new isolation and control valves and to include all associated electrical, hydronic heaters, plumbing materials, drywall repair, paint, base material and carpet in order to complete the project. There are two (2) furnaces - one (1) on each floor controlling fresh air supply into the hallways. Contractor to install a new temperature sensor placed securely in the intake duct. Bid Bond or Certified Check: Amount: Five (5%) Percent of the Total Bid Must Accompany Each Bid Greater Than One Hundred Fifty ($150,000) Dollars. Payable to: King County Housing Authority Process: Bid Bond or Certified Check Will Be Returned to the Unsuccessful Bidders Within Ten (10) Days After the Contract Award. Bonds Must Be Original, No Photocopies or Scanned Bonds Will Be Allowed Upon completion of the removal of the existing and installation of the new hydronic heating units the water system must be purged and balanced to ensure proper operation. This work will be conducted by a certified professional. Assurance of Completion: Projects Valued Over One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150,000) Dollars Require a One Hundred (100%) Percent Performance and Payment Bond. (See Section C - Contract Documents) Bonding Capacity: Provide With Your Bid Proposal, a Written Statement From the Contractor's Bonding Agent of the Contractor's Ability and Capacity for Providing a One Hundred (100%) Percent Performance and Payment Bond for the Project. The Statement Shall Be Made on the Official Letterhead of the Bonding Company and Signed by an Authorized Agent of the Bonding Company. Bonding & Insurance for Contract Award: The Contract Award Will Be Contingent on Full Performance Bonding, or Equivalent and Contractor's Ability to Meet Kcha Insurance Requirements as Outlined in the Bid Documents. Davis Bacon Labor Rates: Bidders Should Note That the Current Prevailing Davis-bacon Labor Rates and Weekly Payroll Reporting Requirements Apply to This Project. Washington State Requirement: All Contractors and Subcontractors Working on This Project Are Required to File a "statement of Intent To Pay Prevailing Wages", "affidavit of Wages Paid" and Certified Payroll With L&i. (See Form A.14 for Additional Information.) Eeoe: The King County Housing Authority Is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and Strongly Encourages Minority-owned and Women-owned Businesses, Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses, and Small Businesses to Submit Bids or to Participate as Subcontractors And Suppliers on Kcha Contracts. Kcha Reserved Rights: The King County Housing Authority Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Bids or to Waive Any Informality in the Bidding. No Bid Shall Be Withdrawn for a Period of Thirty (30) Calendar Days Subsequent to the Opening of the Bids Without the Written Consent of Kcha. The King County Housing Authority Also Reserves the Right to Reject All Bids, for Any Reason, Prior To Contract Execution. The King County Housing Authority is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged businesses, and small businesses to submit bids or to participate as subcontractors and suppliers on KCHA Contracts. The King County Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) calendar days subsequent to the opening of the bids without the written consent of KCHA. No bids received

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March 7, 2022


3948 Martin Way E, Olympia, WA

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