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Published August 3, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Westport, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for site work for a municipal facility; and service station / car wash facility.

The Town of Westport is soliciting proposals for engineering services for preliminary evaluation, final designs and construction engineering for upgrades to an existing fueling station, underground heating oil tank and associated work. The Town of Westport is in need of upgrading its current fueling station and heating oil tank which were originally constructed in 1977 and last updated in 1993. The fueling station and heating oil tank information is as follows: Fueling Station (Existing Condition) Located at 300 Sherwood Island Connector, Westport, CT 06880. The station consists of three (3) 4000 gallon below ground fiberglass tanks, two (2) diesel tanks 4000 gallons each and one (1) gasoline tank 4000 gallons, located under a concrete spill pad. Each tank has its own pump (Gasboy model #9153CF) mounted on a concrete island. The fueling station is operated by a fob reader system, Petro Vend K800 with Phoenix software. The station is monitored by a Veeder-Root, TLS-300 monitoring system (located in the equipment garage office) Heating Oil Tank Located at 300 Sherwood Island Connector, Westport, CT 06880. The tank consists of one (1) 4000 gallon below ground fiberglass tank, located under a concrete spill pad. Proposals submitted must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the RFP to which it refers. This envelope shall then be placed in an outer envelope and shall bear the name and address of the respondent and the designation of the RFP to which the proposal refers. The Proposal shall be signed by an authorized official. The Proposal shall also provide name, title, address, telephone number, fax number and email address for the individual or individuals with authority to negotiate and contractually bind the respondent, and for those who may be contacted for the purpose of clarifying the information provided. Responses become the property of the Town and may be used as the Town deems appropriate. Responses that do not materially conform to the requirements of this RFP will not be considered. The Town reserves the right to review the proposals and reject all proposals or take no action or elect not to select an engineering partner. The project is anticipated to be awarded in October, 2020 after funding is appropriated, based on the chosen firm's cost proposal. Design is to be completed within 3 months after the issuance of a "Notice of Award". CONTRACTOR shall obtain the minimum insurance coverages described below and maintain such coverages for the life of this Agreement, or longer if otherwise required by this Agreement, from a company or companies with an A.M. Best rating of A- (VII) or better. All insurance shall be carried with insurers authorized to do business in the State of Connecticut. If this Agreement is for professional services, CONTRACTOR shall provide errors & omissions insurance for liability resulting from the negligent performance of professional duties or operations. Such policy shall contain limits of liability in the amount of $1,000,000 each claim and $3,000,000 in the aggregate. The policy shall name the Town as an additional insured and provide a waiver of subrogation. All questions MUST be submitted by email to Richard Kotchko, Purchasing Officer, at rkotchko@westportct.gov.


Service Station / Car Wash


Public - City

Site Work

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August 27, 2021


Multiple Locations, Westport, CT

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