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Published August 3, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Edmonton, Alberta. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

On behalf of the Alberta–British Columbia Boundary Commission, the Director of Surveys Office (Land Surveys Section, Lands Policy and Programs Branch, Lands Division, Alberta Environment and Parks) (“Surveys Section”) is accepting proposals from professional land surveyors to restore monuments marking the boundary between Alberta and British Columbia at Tent Mountain Pass and Ptolemy Pass (“The Passes”). These Passes are located south-southwest of the Crowsnest Pass region of southern Alberta. This work is being conducted under the authority of the Alberta-British Columbia (AB-BC) Boundary Commission. These portions of the interprovincial boundary were originally surveyed in 1914 by R.W. Cautley, DLS. The monuments in both passes were formally inspected in 2018 (Tent Mountain Pass) and 2019 (Ptolemy Pass) and were found to be significantly deteriorated. Hence, the purpose of this project is to restore boundary monuments 55F through 79F (a total of 13 monuments) at Tent Mountain Pass and 91F through 100F (a total of 6 monuments) at Ptolemy Pass on behalf of the Boundary Commission to preserve the physical definition of these portions of the interprovincial boundary. Background of the Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission The Alberta-British Columbia Boundary Commission is comprised of the Surveyor General of Canada Lands, the Director of Surveys of Alberta, and the Surveyor General of British Columbia. The commission meets semi-annually to carry out its responsibilities, which include: maintaining the records of the commission; settling problems or disputes referred to the Commissioners concerning the interprovincial boundary; restoring and maintaining boundary monuments; and managing surveys of the interprovincial boundary. The work required at Tent Mountain Pass and Ptolemy Pass is being carried out in two phases. Under Phase 1, contractors were engaged to inspect and geo-reference the interprovincial boundary monuments at Tent Mountain Pass (See Tent Mountain Pass Boundary Survey Phase 1 (Rev 2.0) by Luke Dixon, ALS - October 31, 2018 (FB43039 of the Canada Lands Survey Registry - http://clss.nrcan.gc.ca/clss/plan/detail?id=FB43039+CLSR+CA) and Ptolemy Pass (See Ptolemy Pass Inter-Provincial Boundary Survey and Monument Inspection (Rev 2.0) by Ben de Jong, ALS – November 11, 2019 (FB43038 of the Canada Lands Survey Registry - http://clss.nrcan.gc.ca/clss/plan/detail?id=FB43038+CLSR+CA)). The reports discuss the physical condition of each of the monuments, contain information regarding access to the Passes and the monuments, and the geographic/UTM coordinates (NAD83(CSRS) Epoch 2002) of each monument inspected. Under Phase 2, the Surveys Section now wishes to engage a contract land surveyor to: restore nineteen Alberta-British Columbia boundary monuments at Tent Mountain Pass and Ptolemy Pass; carry out additional geo-referencing of each restored monument; prepare a survey report; and prepare official field notes in plan form for each pass showing the boundary as defined by the restored monuments. It is noted that the final number of monuments to be included in this phase may be restricted by the amount of funding available for this project. NOTE: Given the unique administrative requirements of the Alberta and British Columbia Boundary Commissioners, the successful contractor will be required to enter into a separate contract with each provincial Commissioner’s home organization for half of the total cost of the contract.


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Multiple Locations, Edmonton, AB

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