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Published March 2, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Park Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Aerator building is located at 640 E. Main St. Salisbury, MD 21804 (Attachment 2) and is used to provide water treatment for the City's secondary water supply source. The City is requesting bids from qualified and experienced companies to provide all labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals for replacing the historic main buildings slate roof using Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) approved in-kind materials, replacing the flat decked building extension roof membrane using in-kind materials, and half-round copper gutters using MHT approved in-kind materials. The purpose of this work is to provide a new weather tight roof structure The nominal dimensions of the main building are 44' x 27.08' (including the 12'' roof overhangs). The attached building extension's nominal dimensions are 10.83' x 9.33' (and is a flat decked roof with no overhangs). Final acceptance shall be obtained within 90 calendar days of issuance date of the Notice to Proceed. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond, in a form and by a surety company approved by the City of Salisbury. The bond must be in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid(s) The Contractor or to whom the contract is awarded shall furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond in a form and by a surety company approved by the City of Salisbury. The amount of the bond shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. Bonds shall be made payable to the City of Salisbury. Vendors shall utilize the Bond Forms attached to this bid document Last Day for Questions: 02/09/2022 @ 12:00 p.m. SCHEDULE A: Aerator Building Roof replacements 1. The Main building nominally measured at 44' x 27.08' (including the 12'' roof overhangs) slate roof is attached to wood lap board and plywood that are affixed to original wood trusses at a nominal 6/12 hip and valley roof pitch. 2. The building extensions flat decked roof is requested for typical roof membrane replacement. 3. Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. 4. Roof replacement: a. Remove and discard existing main building slate, b. Remove and discard flat decked roof membrane, c. Keep wood lap board and plywood sheathing in place and replace in kind if damaged beyond reuse, d. Photograph condition of the entire roof before, during, and after replacement, e. Replace copper flashing around all roof penetrations, f. Properly seal all roof penetrations, g. Provide waterproof underlayment typical for slate roof installation, h. Provide drip edge for fascia and eaves of roof, i. Replace wood battens over entire roof, j. Slate shall be an in-kind replacement of existing slate to comply with the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) requirements (Attachment 1), k. Size of the slate tiles are to be 12''x18'' (to match the existing slate size), l. Camara Slate Products based out of Fair Haven, VT or equivalent may be used as a slate provider. m. There are an estimated 18 squares of slate needed. Contractor is responsible for verifying all dimensions and materials needed. n. In kind attachment method for slate is to be used (i.e. copper nails), o. Replace snow guards, p. To aid prospective vendors with their bid a list of pictures of the existing roof has been provided (Attachment 3), q. Attachment 4 illustrates the replacement type requested, r. The flat decked building extension roof waterproof membrane typical for flat roofs is estimated to be 115 Sq. Ft. (11.49'x9.99') with an 8'' lip on each side accounted for. Duradek with all necessary incidentals for proper manufacture installation or equivalent is the requested in-kind replacement type. 5. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of Project site area. 6. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 7. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and to determine that products are undamaged and properly protected. 8. Scaffolding is permitted around the aerator building. However, access to, operation of the facility, and needs of the owner will take precedence over the Work. No heavy equipment can be driven on the areas of the below ground reservoir. It is imperative that the Successful bidder ensure protection of the below grade tank during the duration of the work. Roll off containers will not be allowed on the top of the reservoir not any type of heavy loading of the area. SCHEDULE B: In-kind copper gutter replacement 1. Listed in the "Form of Bid" below, prospective vendors are to provide pricing per Linear Foot to replace half-round copper gutters and downspouts with the following line items: a. 18 oz., 7 1/2" European Half Round Gutter - 173 LF, b. 18 oz., copper miters- 6 EA, c. 7 1/2" Heavy Duty copper roof mounts- 63 EA, d. 18 oz., copper outlets- 6 EA, e. 18 oz., copper elbows - 12 EA, f. 18 oz., copper downspout - Nominal height is 12' from ground to underside of gutters for the main building with four (4) downspouts and nominal height of 11'-6'' from ground to roof edge with two (2) downspouts for a total of 71 LF. g. Copper downspout brackets 2. All other labor, equipment, and material to remove and replace copper gutter and downspout shall be incidental to the prices bid.

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Water / Sewer


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February 24, 2022

March 28, 2022


640 E Main St, Salisbury, MD

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