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Published May 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Soldier, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and bridge / tunnel.

PLEASE NOTE: We call out in our instructions to bidders that the contractor needs to be on our plan holders list in order for his bid to be read at the bid opening. Division 1 -- Well House No. 4, Well No. 5, Filtration Plant and Water Main Clearing and Grubbing, 77.4 Units; Embankment-In-Place, 194.3 CY; Standard or Slip Form Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, Class C, Class 3 Durability, 7 In., 77.2 SY; Granular Surfacing on Road, Class A Crushed Stone, 317.7 Ton; Culvert, Corrugated Metal Entrance | Pipe, 15 In. Dia., 32.0 LF; Culvert, Corrugated Metal Entrance Pipe, 18 In. Dia., 32.0 LF; Manhole, Sanitary Sewer, SW-301, 48 In., 1 EA; Internal Drop Connection, SW-308, 1 EA; Connection to Existing Manhole, 1 EA; Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, Polyvinyl | Chloride Pipe (PVC), 8 In., 149.1 LF; Sanitary Sewer Service Stub, Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC), 4 In., 12.0 LF; Removal of Pavement, 82.4 SY; Driveway, P.C. Concrete, 6 In., 10.4 2 SY; Removal of Paved Driveway, 10.4 SY; Safety Closure, 6 EA; Removal of Fence, Field, 130.0 LF: Traffic Control; Mobilization; Water Main, Trenched, Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP), 6 In., 198.1 LF: Water Main, Trenched, Polyviny! Chloride Pipe (PVC), 4 In., 38.0 LF; Water Main, Trenched, Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC), 6 In., 2415.3 LF; Water Main, Trenched, Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC), 8 In., 109.0 LF; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, Tee 4 In. X 4 In. X 4 In., 3.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile fron, Tee 4 In. X 4 In. X 6 In., 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In. X 6 In. Reducer, 4.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In. X 8 In. Reducer, 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In. Cap, 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile lron, Tee 6 In. X 6 In. X 4 In., 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, Tee 6 In. X 6 In. X 6 In., 4.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 6 In., 11 1/4 Bend, 2.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile lron, 6 In., 22 1/2 Bend, 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 6 In., 45 Bend, 6.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 6 in., 90 Bend, 6.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 6 In. Cap, 1.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, Tee 8 In. X 8 In. X 6 In., 2.0 EA; Fittings By Count, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), 4.0 EA; Valve, Gate, DIP, 4 In., 3.0 EA; Valve, Gate, DIP, 6 In., 8.0 EA; Fire Hydrant Assembly, WM-201, 3.0 EA; Deliver and Stockpile Salvaged Materials; Well House No. 4 Ball Valve, 2 In., 2.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Gate Vaive, 4 In., 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Check Valve, 4 In., 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Air Release Valve, 2 In., 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, Base Plate With 4 In. 90 Bend, 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4, Fittings by Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In. 90 Bend, 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Fittings By Count, Ductile tron, Tee 4 In. X 4 In. X 4 In., 1.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Gate Valve, 4 In., 3.0 EA: Water Filtration Plant Check Valve, 4 In., 1.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile tron, 3 In., 90 Bend, 6.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile lron, 3 In. X 4 In. Reducer, 3.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In., 45 Bend, 1.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In., 90 Bend, 3.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 4 In. X 6 In. Reducer, 2.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings By Count, Ductile tron, Tee 4 In. X 4 In. X 4 In., 1 EA; Water Filtration Plant, Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, Tee 6 In. X 6 In. X 6 In., 1.0 EA; Water Filtration Plant Fittings by Count, Ductile Iron, 6 In., 90 Bend, 1.0 EA; Flow Meter, 4 In., 3.0 EA; Connect To Existing Water Main, 6.0 EA; Remove and Reset Propane Tank, 1.0 EA; Well House No. 4 Steel Pipe with Fittings, 2 In., 6.5 LF; Ductile Iron (DI) Water Filtration Plant Pipe, 3 In., 14.0 LF; Ductile Iron (Dl) Water Filtration Plant Pipe, 4 In., 11.4 LF; Ductile fron (DI) Well House No. 4 Pipe, 4 In., 12.5 LF; Water Supply Well No. 5; Water Supply Well No. 4; Well House No. 4, Removal and Replacement; Well House No. 4, Electrical and Controls; Well House No. 4, HVAC and Plumbing; Elevated Water Storage Tank Electrical and Controls; Water Filtration Plant Building; Filtration Skid; Water Filtration Plant Electrical and Controls; Water Filtration Plant HVAC and Plumbing; Water Filtration Plant Chemical Feed System; Mulching, 1.6 AC; Seeding and Fertilizing (Rural), 1.0 AC; Seeding and Fertilizing (Urban), 0.6 AC; Low Bids: Low: King COnstructino $1,535,252 2nd: RP Constructors $1,981,723 Division 2 -- Elevated Water Storage Tank Embankment-In-Place, 73.5 CY; Traffic Control; Mobilization; Water Main, Trenched, Ductile lron Pipe (DIP), 8 In., 38.0 LF; Fittings By Count, Ductile Iron, 8 In., 90 Bend, 1.0 EA; Valve, Gate, DIP, 8 In., 1.0 EA; Fire Hydrant Assembly, WM-201, 1.0 EA; 130 Foot, 50,000 Gallon Pedestal Elevated Water Storage Tank Including Foundation; Demolish Old Elevated Storage Tank; Low Bids: Low: Caldwell Tanks $886,000 Division 3 -- Water Meters Mobilization; 5/8" X 3/4" Cellular Read Water Meter, 108.0 EA; 1" Cellular Read Water Meter, 4.0 EA: Meter Pit with 5/8" X 3/4" Cellular Read Water Meter, 3.0 EA; ! together with related subsidiary and incidental WORK. Low Bids Low: Chad's Plumbing $74,540 Each successful Bidder will be required to furnish Performance and Payment BONDS acceptable to the Governing Body on forms provided in the specifications in amounts equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price. Liquidated Damages: 1. Substantial Completion: Contractor shall pay Owner $500.00 for each day that expires after the time (as duly adjusted pursuant to the Contract) specified in Paragraph 4.02.A above for Substantial Completion until the Work is substantially complete. 2. Completion of Remaining Work: After Substantial Completion, if Contractor shall neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the remaining Work within the Contract Times (as duly adjusted pursuant to the Contract) for completion and readiness for final payment, Contractor shall pay Owner $500.00 for each day that expires after such time until the Work is completed and ready for final payment. 3. Liquidated damages for failing to timely attain Substantial Completion and final completion are not additive and will not be imposed concurrently. 4. If contractor can provide documentation of delays due to supply chain/material or equipment delivery issues, the owner will provide extensions to the completion. The Governing Body hereby reserves the right to reject any or all BIDS, to waive informalities and irregularities and to award such contracts as it may deem to be for the best interests of the OWNER. Bid Result. DIVISION 1: King Construction $1,535,252.60 DIVISION 2:Caldwell Tanks, Inc. $886,000.00 DIVISION 3:Chad's Plumbing, Inc. $74,540.93


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

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March 15, 2022

May 16, 2022


Multiple Locations, Soldier, IA

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