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Published September 1, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a one-story above grade municipal facility.

For any bid submitted in the amount of $50,000 or more, a bid security (insurance company, bank money order, certified check, or cashier's check) must be included with the bidder's submission in the sum of five percent (5%) of the amount bid (including base bid and additive alternates, if any) and shall be come the property of the agency in the event the contract and bond are not executed within the time set forth in the bid solicitation Location: The third floor of the Annex building of the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) main campus at 1001 North 23rd Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. The bid shall include all labor and materials needed to complete the work in accordance with these specifications. Agency Points of Contact: Brian Landry, Admin Services Director, 225-342-7028 Michael "Keith" Neal, Facility Manager, 225-342-3300 The third floor is being renovated for the Office of Workforce Development. The intent for this solicitation is to have all walls on this floor repainted following the disassembly and removal of the old modular furniture currently on the floor. The overall space is approximately 16,500 (square feet). This painting project shall include all wall surfaces on this floor (approximately 1,650 (linear feet) of 8' (feet) 6" (inches) high walls), the twentyeight (28) door frames, two elevator doors with frames, and the twenty-two (22) cabinets (upper and lower) in the kitchenette area. The twenty-eight (28) stained wooden doors are to be resealed. An onsite visit to the building is required of contractors prior to bid. Work shall consist of: Remove and disposal of all existing base molding prior to preparation. Remove all plates, light covers, vents etc. where necessary and replace after paint is dry. Mask all thermostats, switches, etc. to be protected before any work begins. Floors to be covered and protected before any work begins. Preparation of walls, door frames, and cabinets to include removal of loose paint, basic patching, filling, dulling of glossy surfaces, spot priming, caulking, and light sanding/abrading to address surface profile differences exceeding 1/8" (inch). Painting all areas with two (2) coats of paint to walls, door frames, and kitchenette cabinets. The twenty-eight (28) stained doors will be touched up as needed, then apply one coat of stain and varnish to reseal doors to finish. All areas upon completion will be cleaned-up and debris will be taken away. Left over paint will be labeled and left for future touch-ups with the facility manager. Excludes all surfaces inside the HVAC equipment room and electrical closet. LWC shall allow twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) day a week access to the building site during this job. Paint: Walls - Sherwin Williams ProMar two-hundred (200) Latex Eggshell, or equal. Trim (Door Frames and Cabinets) - Sherwin Williams ProMar two-hundred (200) Latex SemiGloss, or equal.




Public - State/Provincial


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September 9, 2020

October 9, 2020


1001 N 23rd St, Baton Rouge, LA

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