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Published November 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in Sainte-Henedine, Quebec. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

Reference number : 1399444 Deadline for receipt of complaints : 2020-09-01 Electronic bid submission accepted: Yes, in a single tender file. Estimated contract duration (in month) : 2 Rehabilitation of level crossings on the Quebec Central Railway, various municipalities, MRC de la Nouvelle-Beauce and outside MRC, electoral districts of Beauce-Nord and Chutes-de-la-Chaudière. The estimated contract amount1 is between $ 500,000 and $ 999,999.99. Only bids submitted by contractors having an establishment in Quebec or in one of the territories covered by the applicable agreements and holding the license required under the Building Act will be considered. The successful contractor for the construction work contract and its affiliates will be ineligible for any subsequent call for tenders for the award of soil and materials monitoring and engineering contracts relating in whole or in part to for the project concerned . The Contractor and its affiliates may not act as sub-contractors, direct or not, of companies with which the Minister will conclude contracts for the monitoring and engineering of soils and materials relating in whole or in part to the project concerned. . In the case of a construction works contract awarded to a group of companies, these limitations also apply to each of the constituent parties and their respective affiliates. To the extent that an overall project is divided into different sectors, blocks, phases, segments, etc., each of these sectors is considered as a separate covered project for the purposes of applying this limitation clause and the eligibility clauses. related in the Instructions to Entrepreneurs. 10% of the amount of the tender (bond) OR 5% of the amount of the tender (certified or certified check, money order, draft or irrevocable letter of guarantee) The date and time limit for receipt and opening of tenders are: Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at 2 p.m. For any information, contact the tender reception desk at: 418-644-8848. The Ministry does not undertake to accept any of the bids received, especially when it judges that the prices are too high or disproportionate or do not reflect a fair price.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 22, 2020

November 23, 2020


Multiple Locations, Sainte-Henedine, QC

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