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Published May 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Indefinite Delivery Contract for Construction Management Services - Small Business Set Aside (SBSA) ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED THROUGH PROJNET SEE PARAGRAPH 5 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: The Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (SAS) requires the services of Architect-Engineer (A-E) firms for ONE (1), Indefinite Delivery Contracts (IDC) for Construction Management Services. The contract is being procured as Small Business Set Aside (SBSA) in accordance with the Brooks A-E Act, as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6. Firms will be selected for negotiations based on demonstrated competence for the required work. Offerors are cautioned to read this announcement in its entirety. The contract awarded as a result of this announcement will be administered by the Savannah District for use on projects under its jurisdiction and, if requested, for other Corps of Engineers Districts. Contract may be issued up to one year after selection approval. The contract will consist of a 3-year base with a 2-year option period for a total of five years maximum. The total amount of the contract over the five-year ordering period may not exceed $10,000,000. Task Orders will be for Construction Management Services. These task orders are firm fixed price. Projects to be assigned are not yet determined and funds are not presently available. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is 541330 with a size standard of $16.5 million. To be eligible for contract award, a firm must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). Register via the SAM Internet at http://www.fsd.gov or by contacting the SAM Customer Service Desk at 1-866-606-8220. Notice Organizational Conflict of Interest. The work to be performed may create an actual or potential organizational conflict of interest on future acquisitions. Offerors should refer to FAR subpart 9.5 - ORGANIZATIONATIONAL AND CONSULTANT CONLICTS OF INTEREST. An organizational conflict of interest can arise when a contractor possesses an economic incentive that renders it unable, or potentially unable, to provide impartial assistance or advice; or an unfair competitive advantage in obtaining a contract as the result of access to nonpublic information about a competitor or procurement. When an organizational conflict of interest arises, it can have serious implications for the contractor that can range from disclosure obligations to disqualification from an award. Accordingly, some restrictions on the future activities of the contractor and its subcontractors may be required. And, these restrictions may include prohibiting the contractor or its subcontractors from participating in a contract or a task order. A contractor which participates in preparing design drawings or documents for future construction contracts may be prohibited from providing CMS for that contract. However, in future procurements, the contractor or its subcontractors may request a determination of its ability to participate in a particular procurement from the Contracting Officer. Proposals submitted for procurements or services for which the contractor or its subcontractor is later determined to have an organizational conflict of interest shall be submitted at the risk of the contractor or its subcontractors. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Construction management services are required to support construction management activities for construction contracts under the jurisdiction of SAS and may be used to support other Corps Districts as requested. The installations at which construction projects are located can include Ft Bragg, Ft Gordon, Ft Jackson, Ft Stewart, Ft Benning, Ft. Gillem, Moody AFB, Hunter AAF, Seymour Johnson AFB, Robins AFB, and other installations as required. Required services include a broad range of engineering and construction activities including (but not limited to) assistance and guidance to field offices, construction Quality Assurance (QA) inspection and reporting, review of contract documents and shop drawings, review of Network Analysis Schedule (NAS) schedules and QC plans, and investigation and reporting of construction contractor claims. The firm selected will be required to provide personnel on site for a period of 30 days to 3 years. The maximum numbers of assignees are estimated to be 20 personnel simultaneously. No travel funds will be provided. Therefore, it is suggested that existing local staff or local hires be used to perform required services. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria for this project are listed below in descending order of importance. Proposals will be evaluated on each of the criteria factors listed below. Each factor will be assigned a rating from outstanding to unsatisfactory, based on the risk to the government that the offeror will successfully perform the work described in paragraph 2. An overall consensus rating will be given to each submission. Award will be made to the firm determined to be most highly qualified. Factors listed below will be rated based on a relative weighting as follows: Significantly More Important - means that the factor is at least two times greater in value than another factor. More Important - means that the factor is greater in value than another factor but less than two times greater. Equal - means that the factor is of the same value or nearly the same as another factor. For this solicitation, Factor 1 (Specialized Experience and Technical Competence), and Factor 2 (Construction Management Placement Plan/Capacity) are weighted equally and each factor individually is more important than Factor 3 (Professional Qualifications), Factor 4 (Past Performance), Factor 5 (Knowledge of Locality), and Factor 6 (Geographic Proximity) and significantly more important than Factor 7 (Volume of Work). Professional Qualifications, Past Performance, Knowledge of Locality, and Geographic Proximity are weighted equally and each factor individually is more important than Volume of Work. Volume of Work will only be used as a "tie-breaker" among firms that are essentially technically equal. Information on each factor should be submitted FOR THE OFFICE AND/OR EMPLOYEE PERFORMING THE WORK IN RESPONSE TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. It is recognized that for firms with multiple offices, a project team may be formed from personnel from more than one office. If more than one office is represented, this must be stated clearly in the work management plan and the Selection Board will consider the performance risk associated with that team not being co-located and the geographical proximity to the supported projects. **** FACTOR 1 - SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Specialized experience and technical competence in hiring, managing, and supervising personnel (in descending order of importance within this category): a. Construction quality assurance inspections and reporting. b. Review of construction contract documents. c. Review of contractor submittals including shop drawings. d. Review of contractor's initial NAS schedule. e. Assist in training Government personnel for analysis/evaluation of schedule updates. f. Review of contractor's quality control and accident prevention plans. g. Perform investigation and evaluation and prepare report of findings for construction contractor claims including detailed analysis of contractor schedule, for claims including time extensions. ****FACTOR 2 - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLACEMENT PLAN/CAPACITY: Experience providing required personnel based on an evaluation of the firm's Construction Management Placement Plan (CMPP). The CMPP shall be presented in Section H and should include an organization chart of existing personnel and their locations. It should address management approach and specific procedures for hiring and providing highly qualified local personnel to be on site within the geographic proximity of the Savannah District military facility locations. These include Savannah, GA; Atlanta, GA; Augusta, GA; Warner Robins, GA; Valdosta, GA; Columbia, SC; Fayetteville, NC; and Southport, NC. The plan shall address the firm's capacity to provide staff for a period of 30 days to 3 years to accomplish multiple simultaneous task orders to include approximately $1,000,000 of work of the required type in a one-year period. The evaluation will consider the experience of the firm and consultants in similar contracts, and the availability of an adequate number of personnel in key disciplines. Key disciplines civil, mechanical, electrical, cybersecurity, scheduling, claims, structural, cost, environmental, and architecture. No travel/per diem funds will be provided. Therefore, it is suggested or preferred that existing local staff or local hires be used to perform required services. ****FACTOR 3 - KEY PERSONNEL: All key management personnel shall be shown on the organizational chart in Section D of SF 330. Resumes shall be provided for these key management personnel in Section E of SF 330. Resumes will address all professional qualifications of key management personnel. ****FACTOR 4 - PAST PERFORMANCE: Past performance on DOD and other contracts with respect to quality of performance, compliance with performance schedules and cost control. Indication of favorable performance ratings, awards, and repeat clientele in Section H of SF 330 is recommended. Past performance will be based on CPARS ratings and other data presented by the offeror or as determined by the Government. The evaluation of this factor will be based on the past performance information from the previous five years. ****FACTOR 5 - KNOWLEDGE OF LOCALITY: Knowledge of localities listed above as it pertains to the knowledge and experience of local and regional building codes, climatic conditions, construction industry methods, acceptable workmanship standards, and costs of construction material, labor, and equipment. ****FACTOR 6 - GEOGRAPHIC PROXIMITY: Proximity of main or branch offices to Ft Bragg, Ft Gordon, Ft Jackson, Ft Stewart, Ft Benning, Gillem Enclave, Ft. McPherson, Moody AFB, Hunter AAF, Seymour Johnson AFB, Robins AFB, Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal. ****FACTOR 7: VOLUME OF WORK: Volume of relevant Construction Management Services contract/task orders awards in the last 3 years. 4. TELEPHONIC INTERVIEW. Those firms achieving the selection list will be given a telephonic interview, the results of which will be factored into the firms overall rating. The following questions will be provided for the short-listed firms to provide a written and telephonic response: **Discuss three (3) important lessons learned from your example projects on your SF330 Part I that would be applicable to this contract. ***Discuss your experience, capabilities, capacity, organization, management, quality control procedures, and approach for Construction Management Services. 5. QUESTIONS/PROJNET. Questions concerning submissions should be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at www.projnet.org/projnet. ProjNet will close for submissions seven days prior to submission date on September 16, 2020. Bidder Inquiry Key No. DXAMCR-VBE66B Specific Instructions for Initial ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access: From the ProjNet home page, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen. Identify the Agency as USACE. Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above. Email. Enter the email address you would like to use for communication. Click Continue. A page will then open saying that a user account was not found and will ask you to create one using the provided form. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Company, City, State, Phone, Email, Secret Question, Secret Answer, and Time Zone. Remember your Secret Question and Answer as they will be used from this point on to access the ProjNet system. Click Add User. Once this is completed you are now registered within ProjNet and are currently logged into the system. Specific Instructions for Future ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access: Steps 1 through 3: same as above. 4. Email. Enter the email address you used to register previously in ProjNet. 5. Click Continue. A page will then open asking for the answer to your Secret Question. 6. Enter your Secret Answer and click Login. Once this is completed, you are logged into the system. 6. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS - Interested firms having capabilities to perform this work must submit the entire submission of the SF 330, not to exceed 5 Megabytes, as one file using Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Part I of the SF330 should not exceed 50 pages (8.5" x 11"), including 15 pages for Section H. Font size shall be 10 or larger. Resumes in Section E and example projects in Section F shall not exceed one page each. Please note that an Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) will not be considered a single project for SF330 Section F Example Projects. Indicate in Section C.11 if the prime has worked with the team members in the past five years. Section G.26, include the firm each of the key personnel is associated. FIRMS MUST INCLUDE THE DUNS NUMBER FOR THE OFFICE PERFORMING THE WORK IN SECTION B.5 OF THE SF330. Cover letters and extraneous materials (brochures, etc.) will not be considered. Any submissions received after the exact time specified for receipt is considered late and will be processed in accordance with FAR 15.208 Submission, Modification, Revision, and Withdrawal of Proposals. All Sf 330s Shall Be Submitted on Cds 2 Copies Are Required. Title the File(S) in the Following Format: W912hn20r2003_company Name




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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