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Renovation of an educational facility in Des Moines, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Bidders will be required to provide a security deposit, in the form of an approved Bid Bond, cashiers or certified check, or certified share draft in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount of each bid, in a separate attached envelope. (Only required if bid exceeds $135,000) Lump-sum bids will be received under one contract as described in the specifications. Bids will be opened and read aloud immediately after specified closing time for receiving bids. All interested parties are invited to attend. Consideration of the bids received, and the award of contract or other action may be made by the Chief Operations Officer of Des Moines Independent Community School District The Chief Operations Officer may make the award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder meeting specifications. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part thereof, and to waive in formalities, and to enter into such contract or contracts as shall be deemed in the best interests of the Des Moines Independent Community School District. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the State of Iowa, and to Iowa domestic labor. All bids will be governed by applicable provisions in the Iowa Code and Board Policies INCLUDED IN SCOPE OF WORK: o Pre-Bid Meeting attendance is mandatory for firms submitting a bid as items identified in the prebid walkthrough may not be depicted on the floor plan. o Wall tile and Schluter trim shall be an owner purchased item and furnished to the Trade Contractor for installation. Trade Contractor shall furnish DMPS the quantities of each tile color and Schluter material required for the project. o All setting materials, mastics and grout shall be provided by the Trade Contractor. o Wall base shall be a black 1/4 " Phenolic material scribed to the existing floor in standard lengths. This material and mastic shall be provided by the Trade Contractor. o Trade contractor shall remove and dispose of existing wall base material and prep wall for new tile installation. o Trade contractor shall remove and replace wall items required to be tiled behind. This includes electrical items such as wall switches (use extender boxes), elevator call plate, door stops, bulletin boards (fur out with like frame material where items extend above top of new tile), display cases, heating units, handrails, drinking fountains, etc. o All power saw cutting shall be done exterior of the building. No dust generating activities shall be performed in the building. o Building exterior doors shall be secure at all times. Badges will be issued to workers requiring frequent access. o Clean areas on a daily basis and dispose of all waste to a contractor provide waste receptacle. o Provide final cleaning prior to requesting final inspection.




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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950 15th St, Des Moines, IA

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