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Published March 4, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Portland, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Construction of improvements associated with the Dougherty Field Playground Project located at Dougherty Field, Douglass Street, Portland, Maine. It is the bidder's sole responsibility to ensure that their bid is submitted prior to the date and time specified. Late bids shall not be accepted. OUTLINE OF WORK The project consists generally of the following items in accordance with the drawings and specifications presented in this Project Manual: 1. BASE BID. The Dougherty Field Playground Project includes site improvements associated with a new playground area at the southwest corner of the existing athletic facility / park off Douglass Street. Because soil testing revealed high levels of lead as well as ash content at varying depths (reference soil sampling report), the site will be raised to minimize disturbance. The City will provide sufficient fill on site. Work will include, but is not limited to, the following: o All demolition and site preparation work as indicated on the plans. o Adjusting existing water service hose hook-up connection. o Earthwork, including spreading approximately 2,500 cy of fill (provided on site by City). o Constructing approximately 485 SY of new bituminous paths. o Constructing approximately 90 SY of new stone dust path. o Placing 220 LF of reclaim granite curbing (provided on site by City), as indicated on the plans. o Installing landscape boulders (provided on site by City). o Installing playground equipment (provided on site by City) as indicated on the plans. o Installing site furnishings (provided on site by City), including benches, bicycle rack, and signage. o Preparing new planting beds and tree wells (Planting to be done by City). o Constructing lawn and pollinator meadow areas, including loam, seeding, and mulching. 2. ADD ALTERNATE 1. - BASKETBALL COURT AREA. Complete site work associated with the basketball court area, including grading out the site, installing the basketball court, and finishing the site with loam and seed, as specified in the drawings and specifications. 3. ADD ALTERNATE 2: PLANTINGS Provide and install plantings as shown on the drawings. Copies of the above documents will be available by contacting the City of Portland Purchasing Office in writing via e-mail at jrl@portlandmaine.gov. Each prospective bidder will be required to obtain from the City each copy of the proposal forms.

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

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March 1, 2022

March 21, 2022


Douglass St, Portland, ME

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